Bombshell: CCP military scientist filed a patent for COV vaccine in February 2020


According to the Five Eyes intelligence alliance, a top Chinese military scientist filed a patent for the first coronavirus vaccine in February 2020 and then died mysteriously a few weeks later. He filed the patent before COV was declared a pandemic.

Zhou Yusen, a scientist for the People’s Liberation Army, allegedly had connections to Shi Zhengli, also known as “Bat Woman” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

This certainly sounds like Wuhan was on a secret military mission. Don’t forget, the CCP let their people travel the world while they knew the virus was raging but they didn’t let them travel within the country.

The Australian reported:

Zhou, who conducted the research in conjunction with the Wuhan institute, the University of Minnesota and the New York Blood Centre, was the first to file a patent for a Covid-19 vaccine on February 24 last year, according to documents obtained by The Weekend Australian. This was only five weeks after China admitted there was human-to-human transmission of the virus.

Zhou is listed as the lead inventor on the patent application lodged by the “Institute of Military Medicine, Academy of Military Sciences of the PLA”.

Medical researcher at Flinders University Nikolai Petrovsky explained how creating a COVID vaccine in this short amount of time would have been a “remarkable achievement.” He said, “This is something we have never seen achieved before, raising the question of whether this work may have started much ­earlier.”

Just a few weeks after Zhou filed the patent, he died. He was working with spike proteins in coronaviruses and vaccine development.

[We now know that three scientists at Wuhan became sick in mid-November, 2019 with COV-like symptoms. Wouldn’t this new revelation suggest that the virus was prevalent even before November?]

“While he was an award-­winning military scientist, there were no reports paying tribute to his life. His death was only mentioned in passing in a Chinese-media report in July and at the end of a December scientific paper, both had the word ’deceased’ in brackets after his name,” the report stated.

“The Weekend Australian has established that his death has been treated as unusual and is an early line of inquiry under the new Five Eyes probe into the origins of Covid-19 launched by Joe Biden.”

The revelations come from a new book by a Sky News Australia reporter, title, What Really Happened in Wuhan.

The Daily Wire reports: David Asher, who led the Trump administration’s investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, told Fox News during the last week in May that he had U.S. government biostatisticians calculate the probability that the coronavirus developed evolved in nature and that they concluded that it was “about one in 13 billion.”

Why didn’t we hear about this sooner? Why are we only hearing now about these stats now?

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