The Epoch Times spoke exclusively to an agent at the border and the situation is much worse than we were told. It certainly is the endless stream of people Biden has called for in the past. The people are mostly from Central America and they have no regard for their children who are coming in with criminals who rape and kill them. Parents know the risk and do it anyway. They’re released without court dates, and more are getting through than are caught.
The agent is going by the name Carlos and is anonymous for obvious reasons.
Up to 80 individuals are squeezed into each 24- by 30-foot cell, and there aren’t enough mattresses for everyone. Sheets of plastic divide the rooms.
The family-unit holding cells smell like urine and vomit. Fights break out in the unaccompanied-minor cells. Scabies, lice, the flu, and COVID-19 run rampant.
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“Any diseases that are in there, it’s being kept in there, like a petri dish. The smell is overwhelming,” a Border Patrol agent said, describing the conditions in a facility in south Texas. The agent, Carlos (not his real name), spoke to The Epoch Times on condition of anonymity, for fear of repercussions.
“We’re getting them out of here as quickly as possible, but we are so overwhelmed right now,” Carlos said. “It used to be easy to get them out in 72 hours. Not anymore. They’re staying here for 10, 12 days. It’s horrible.”
Carlos confirmed that the majority of unaccompanied minors coming across the border already have parents or family members in the United States.
“Everybody that shows up here—even if it’s a 3-year-old kid with no one around—they all have an address on them. And they’ll give it to you: ‘Here’s my address; this is where you are sending me,’” Carlos said.
“And that’s what we do. This is the way we are being played.”
“We’re dealing with a different culture who’s not afraid to send all their kids under the age of five, knowing they’re going to get raped, knowing they’re going to get killed,” Carlos said. “You talk to the adults or the teenagers and they’ll tell you, ‘They raped three or four girls, and they kicked them off the trains.’ They’re going to die.”
Two-thirds of migrants traveling through Mexico report experiencing violence during the journey, including abduction, theft, extortion, torture, and rape, according to Doctors Without Borders (MSF), which has been providing medical and mental health care for migrants and refugees in Mexico since 2012.
Almost 1 in 3 women surveyed by MSF said they had been sexually abused during their journey—60 percent through rape.
“There’s no end in sight. The people that we’re apprehending are warning us of the larger caravans that are on their way.”
Morale among Border Patrol agents has plummeted, Carlos said. “The attrition rate right now is ridiculous,” he said. “We don’t want to work for the Border Patrol anymore. It’s not the Border Patrol.”
During the Trump era, agents felt “empowered” to do their jobs, he said. “Whatever deals he made, everything was working just fine. Now we’ve got this trash.”
“Our manpower is being depleted because we need to go babysit these people, move them as fast as possible to release them into the country,” Carlos said. “It’s ridiculous. We have no backup. We’re losing more than we’re catching. And it’s no secret.
“Our defenses are down. So if there’s anybody that we should be worried about, they know this is the time to come in. They know it.”
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