Calls for Unity Are a Terrible Idea


People are talking about unity, but that’s a “no.” Democrats are already looking for ways to stop the agenda. Pelosi is meeting with the House Democrats to see if they can keep Republicans from taking House seats. Newsom is preparing lawfare. We must strike quickly. The media has already begun their attacks.

We talked to them. We listened to them. They turned around and drove over us like so much road kill. Liberty! Fix what they broke!

It’s the garbage people against the establishment. They have the money, and we have the advantage.

The only unity we should be discussing is the unity of the regular people and anyone else who wants to save America.

Mr. Carroll did clarify his post. The original point still holds.

Carroll was talking about not falling for psyops.

Carroll added to his warning:

You are making sweeping judgments as though every Kamala voter is the extremists that go viral online. Seems like you don’t know too many liberals.

They think all conservatives are racist bigots who hate women and are uneducated.

Both takes are retarded and obviously underthought. Most Kamala supporters are perfectly regular people outside of their political beliefs. They have families they want the best for.

Most people on both sides are pretty damn similar- the primary difference is the information source from which they’re building their political opinions.

Most liberals don’t even know what the left is doing with transing kids and the border, etc, because they purposefully don’t talk about it on leftist news.

Then again, many are traitors, and we have to distinguish. The media is lying to them:

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