Mark Schwendau

Conclusive Proof the 2020 Election was Stolen in Arizona!

OPINION Conclusive Proof the 2020 Election was Stolen in Arizona! By Mark Schwendau An event was held Monday night (6-27-2022) in Scottsdale, Arizona.  The event was centered around Jovan Hutter Pulitzer presenting evidence of a forensic audit...

America Has a Subversion Problem

America Has a Subversion Problem By Mark Schwendau The highest art of warfare is to not fight at all but use subversion such that you take over a country and its people without needing to fire...

Lake Mead Water Level Drops to “Inactive Pool Status”

Lake Mead Water Level Drops to “Inactive Pool Status” By Mark Schwendau At approximately 2:00 p.m. yesterday June 22nd Lake Mead’s water level dropped to a historic point.  The point where the electric generators of the...

Math Can Be Fun, But NOT These Days!

OPINION Math Can Be Fun, But NOT These Days! By Mark Schwendau WASHINGTON: Americans are having a lot of facts with figures thrown at them these days and they are truly a lot to take in.  Here...

News Stories Socialist Liberals Rather Not See Reported

OPINION News Stories Socialist Liberals Rather Not See Reported By Mark Schwendau A friend of mine just got a 30-day suspension from Facebook for sharing my story on Steve Kirsch proving Covid-19 is not as dangerous as...

25 Red Flags Before Buying a Green EV

25 Red Flags Before Buying a Green EV By Mark Schwendau WASHINGTON: Electric vehicles (EVs) are Joe Biden and the liberals' answer to climate change.  It is part of AOC’s “New Green Deal”.  The problem is...

Deep Fake Metaphysic Act on AGT was Mind Blowing!

Deep Fake Metaphysic Act on AGT was Mind Blowing! By Mark Schwendau Some of us do a lot of reading and research trying to keep up with the world we find ourselves living in today. One...

Steve Kirsch Proves the Covid Cures are Worse than the Disease

OPINION Steve Kirsch Proves the Covid Cures are Worse than the Disease By Mark Schwendau Steve Kirsch, an American entrepreneur engineering graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and philanthropist millionaire is on a mission to out...

Why the Sudden Rash of Food Processing Plant Fires?

Why the Sudden Rash of Food Processing Plant Fires? by Mark Schwendau WASHINGTON: Many who know Joe Biden know that every once in a while he says the quiet parts out loud.  An example occurred on...