The propaganda to restrict the peasant’s travel is heating up. The author of a CNN article, It’s time to limit how often we can travel abroad – ‘carbon passports’ may be the answer, claimed the article was strictly his opinion, not CNN’s. He wrote:
By the end of July, international tourist arrivals globally reached 84% of pre-pandemic levels. In some European countries, such as France, Denmark and Ireland, tourism demand even surpassed its pre-pandemic level.
This may be great news economically, but there’s concern that a return to the status quo is already showing dire environmental and social consequences.
As is typical of the leftist globalists, he wants to take something important away from the peasants – tourism.
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Tourism is part of the problem. The tourism sector generates around one-tenth of the greenhouse gas emissions that are driving the climate crisis.
The negative impacts of tourism on the environment have become so severe that some are suggesting drastic changes to our travel habits are inevitable.
He used an Intrepid Travel report to further the point he wanted to make. he wants carbon passports, which happens to fall in line with the globalists in the UN, the World Economic Forum, and all the other globalist organizations.
In a 2023 report analyzing the future of sustainable travel, tour operator Intrepid Travel proposed that “carbon passports” will soon become a reality if the tourism industry hopes to survive.
Net Zero is all about control by the new Nazis.
We just posted the globalists’ travel goals for us.
In the future, the wealthy will be able to travel, but those peasants of lesser means will travel via headsets. How thoughtful of our great global leaders.
Now we know why they’re pushing virtual reality.
People Need To Understand, IT IS NO COINCIDENCE Companies Are Just now Releasing Virtual Reality Headsets
According To The World Economic Forum: Travel Will Be For The Elites, The Poor Will Use VR Headsets
“There’s gonna be people of means who are going to travel, and then…
— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) February 8, 2024
The author of the CNN article proceeded to explain how they would ration travel.
The globalists who use climate change to dictate to us also have something called road space rationing.
They don’t want us to drive anywhere, either.
Road space rationing, also known as alternate-day travel, driving restriction, and no-drive, is a travel demand management strategy aimed at reducing the negative externalities generated by urban air pollution or peak urban travel demand in excess of available supply or road capacity through artificially restricting demand (vehicle travel) by rationing the scarce common good road capacity, especially during the peak periods or during peak pollution events.
It’s for the communist common good.
The guardian talked about rationing everyone’s flights in 2018. Last year, the Irish talked up “slow travel.” Also, last year, Science Daily pushed the fairness of rationing travel for the peasants. Just google it – the propaganda is everywhere. Don’t fall for it. Nothing they are doing will save the planet, but it will make them rich and impoverish the peasants.
That is what 15-minute cities are about.
Net Zero is a fraud.
Facial scan is required to enter and leave the neighborhood zones in China’s 15-minute cities.
If your vaccine passport expires or you’re on the ‘Social Credit Blacklist’, immediately an alarm sends to police.
— Songpinganq (@songpinganq) February 11, 2024
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