Councilwoman behind CHAZ lives well while claiming to be of the proletariat


“In Socialist Alternative,” Sawant said, “any elected representative who runs has to pledge to only take the average worker’s wage. The City Council pays me nearly $120,000. I take home $40,000 after taxes. The rest goes into a solidarity fund. This idea should also be taken up in some form by the new party.”


Socialist [communist] Kshama Sawant, 46 is refusing to let cops into the six-block Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone known as CHAZ which was taken over by fringe groups, one of which is a domestic terrorist organization. She herself lives in an $800,000 home with $500,000 of equity but has railed against the gentrification of Seattle.

She doesn’t live with the Proletariat or like the Proletariat.

You generally have to go to UK papers to get this information. Our media is invisible when it comes to revealing the truth about their favorite leftist Democrats, in this case, a Seattle councilwoman.


Kshama Sawant, 46, has been described as a leader in the creation of Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. She has urged fellow activists not to allow cops back into the six-block ‘nation’ set up in the center of the city. They have a list of insane demands that must first be met, including reparations, no prisons, new trials for violent crimes committed by people of color, free college, abolish the police and ICE. The major groups in CHAZ are Antifa and Black Lives Matter who have partnered.

Indian-born Sawant worked as a software engineer before migrating to the US, where she was ‘radicalized by the inequality and poverty’ that she saw, allegedly.

Sawant became the first socialist to be elected to Seattle’s City Council in 2013. As you would expect, she endorsed communist Bernie Sanders for President.

Her reported marriage to a high-powered Microsoft engineer, Vivek Sawant, raised eyebrows given how she railed against the gentrification of Seattle. The pair divorced in 2014. Then she married the more acceptable Calvin Priest.

The couple lives in an $800K home.


One Seattle Times columnist has compared her to the Queen in Alice In Wonderland, because of her “off with their heads’” political style.

Sawant claims that she only accepts an “ordinary worker’s salary” of $40,000 and gives the rest of her City Council salary to a “solidarity fund” to help build social justice movements. Except, what she doesn’t tell people is that she and her husband get all the money back in salary and travel benefits from at least two of those funds.

The hard-left councilwoman donates the majority of the funds to the far-left ‘Socialist Alternative’ and ‘15 Now’ [raise the pay to $15 an hour] and these organizations, in turn, pay for her and her husband’s travel and other expenses almost to the same amount she donated. Her husband also easily gets the difference in salary from ’15 Now.’ It’s a legal money-laundering scheme.

The organizations are opaque when it comes to finances and what they actually do. There is no documentation for Socialist Alternative and 15 Now. No one knows where their money goes.

It’s not illegal, just dishonest.

Her travel is to build her national brand. She’s moving on up.


She tells ordinary people very little about where their money is coming from, or where it’s being spent.  And she herself claims to be only taking an “ordinary worker’s salary” while funneling tens of thousands of dollars through her “solidarity fund” into opaque organizations with which she has intimate connections and deep financial relationships, according to SCC Insight.

Meanwhile, the rising star of the hard-left is trying to bring the 3rd world to an America she appears to hate. She came from a country with the worst income inequality in the world but is going to beat us into submission to socialists [communists] over income inequality.

Sawant tweeted Friday: “Our movement needs to urgently ensure East Precinct is not handed back to police but is turned over permanently into community control. My office is bringing legislation to convert East Precinct into a community center for restorative justice.”

She further stated: “The movement has been undaunted in the face of horrific violence from Mayor Durkan’s police. Congratulations, solidarity!” [And make lots of money and fame for her.]

The whole CHAZ thing is going swimmingly. It looks like a 3rd world country already, but she’s moving on up!


Sawant is a leader and protector of a secessionist movement. They want their own laws, a number of which are unconstitutional. They have seized physical control of space that doesn’t belong to them. The American flag is not welcome nor is religion or free speech.

  • Justice System Demands
    • Abolish the police, ICE, and the criminal justice system.
    • Disarm the police entirely (including batons, riot shields, etc.) in the lead-up to their abolition.
    • Remove police from schools and school-aged people from jails.
    • Have the federal government (note: currently controlled by their arch-enemy, Donald Trump) launch an investigation into Seattle’s and Washington’s police brutality, especially concerning Iosia Faletogo (armed and resisting arrest), Damarius Butts (armed robbery and shooting at police), Isaiah Obet (armed robbery with knife and carjacking), Tommy Le (terrorizing a neighborhood, Tasers ineffective, thought to be armed with a knife, although it proved to be a pen), Shaun Fuhr (armed, beat his girlfriend for hours before kidnapping her child), and Charleena Lyles (mentally ill woman who came at police with a knife).
    • Give reparations to victims of police brutality.
    • Publicize the names of police accused of brutality.
    • Retry all “people of color” currently in prison.
    • Decriminalize any crimes committed during “‘The George Floyd Rebellion’ against the terrorist cell that previously occupied this area known as the Seattle Police Department.”
    • Release all prisoners with marijuana convictions.
    • Release all people imprisoned solely for the crime of resisting arrest.
    • Give felons the right to vote.
    • Immediately end prosecutorial immunity for police officers.
    • End all prisons generally, especially juvenile jails and for-profit prisons.
    • Replace prison with “restorative/transformative accountability programs.”
    • Give people the authority to create “localized anti-crime systems.”
    • The Seattle P.D. should give its “lost and found” property to the people.
    • Justice should be given to people that the Seattle P.D. or Washington prison guards sexually harassed or abused.
    • Police body cameras should always be on and available as public records.
    • Current police funding should go to socialized medicine, free housing, smaller class sizes, higher teacher salaries, and naturalizing all illegal aliens.
  • Economic demands
    • De-gentrify Seattle (including rent control).
    • Restore funding for the arts.
    • Make college free, especially for blacks, as a form of reparations.
    • Until the Seattle P.D. is disbanded, no more “homeless sweeps.”
    • Make it easier for dispossessed people to run as candidates in elections.
  • Health and Human Services Demands
    • Staff medical centers with black doctors and nurses for black patients.
    • Require Seattle citizens to support black-owned businesses.
    • Seattle must create a mental health system for responding to 911 calls about mental health crises.
  • Education System Demands
    • Washington schools must teach more black and Native American history.
    • All teachers, medical professionals, and mass media outlets must get anti-bias training.
    • Seattle and Washington must remove all confederate monuments.


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