Dr. Fauci Is Back to Pushing Masking


Masking has proven to be an incredible failure, and definitive studies have proven that to be the case. Even the NY Times admits they don’t work. it doesn’t matter what kind of mask, either.

Initially, when COVID-19 first broke, Dr. Fauci said they didn’t work.

Now he’s back to masking. One must wonder if he has all his marbles. We know the host Jim Acosta doesn’t.

The two also discussed people talking about prosecuting Dr. Fauci. Acosta asked him what that was like for him and his family.

Fauci said he can’t understand the “craziness.”

“Prosecute me for what. What are they talking about?”, Fauci said. [Lying to Congress for starters.]

“I wish the heck I could figure out what they’re talking about,” he continued. “I think they’re just going off the deep end.”

“It doesn’t make any sense to say something like that and it’s actually irresponsible.”

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