David Hogg is the fake “survivor of the Parkland shooting. He received 214.5 votes and is now the co-vice chair of the DNC. On the same day, Minnesota State Party chairman Ken Martin was selected to serve as the chairman of the DNC.
Pennsylvania State Representative Malcolm Kenyatta will serve as vice chairman of the DNC with Hogg, having received 298 votes. Democrats wanted Hogg so much that they made him Vice Chair without the necessary votes.
Hogg’s victory speech was not about how they could win the hearts and minds of the people or work with Republicans, but rather to fight Republicans and kick their a$$.
Hogg said in his speech, “Who’s ready to take the fight to the Republicans and win this thing? Are you guys ready to fight? It’s been a long day, but guess what? We have a long road ahead. Let’s go and kick some ass. Let’s go win our young people back, and let’s stop spending just our thoughts and prayers to address gun violence and do something. Are you ready to do that because together we can make school shooter drills history and not headlines?”
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Hogg, who raced on his bike to the Parkland shooting when he heard about it, stood near another building, not the building where the shooting was taking place, pretended he was a survivor. Seventeen people, mostly high school children, were killed. The person who murdered them was seriously mentally ill, but he used a gun, so it became a launching pad for Hogg’s anti-gun crusade and notoriety.
Hogg Blames White Men, the NRA, GOP for Mass Shootings
According to Hogg, the blame for mass shootings today lies with white men who don’t know how to be real men. He blames Republicans, so-called white supremacists, the NRA, and the U.S. genocide at Wounded Knee for mass shootings. He has also said it stigmatizes mentally ill people to say it is the cause of these shootings.
Hogg has said that the U.S. “history of white supremacy” in America is the cause of today’s gun violence. He pointed to the “Battle of Wounded Knee” in 1890 as a backup for his false claim.
Gun grabber David Hogg says America is violent because of “our history of white supremacy” and because the U.S. government was “genocidal” and committed “indigenous mass shootings.” Hogg says it’s “OK to hate the injustice” and “oppression” America was founded on.
It sounds like he never heard about all the murders of settlers. He learned American history from communist Howard Zinn.
Hogg said, “White people feel that it is more American to pick up a gun because you are afraid of what you don’t know than it is to actually explore what you don’t know … because I would personally argue that peace is patriotic.”
Hogg is white, and he’s planning to fight anyone who disagrees with him.
He has also said people with AR-15s are out hunting human beings.
“The truth of the matter is weapons like the AR-15 have an effective range of over 1,500 meters,” Hogg said. “If you’re using a weapon with an effective range of over 1,500 meters, you are not defending yourself. You are hunting a human being.”
He is an activist for far-left groups and has served as the figurehead for their rallies:
Organizers included the Women’s March and their offshoot – Empower, the baby chop shop Planned Parenthood, Everytown, the Center for American Progress, the Democratic Party, and People for the American Way (PFAW)The first Women’s March included 56 groups funded by George Soros. A liberal feminist uncovered that information.
Radicals lead the Women’s March Youth Empower. The leaders of this group at the time were Ziad Ahmed, the youth advisor, Hannah Rosenzweig, Adam Jacobs, and Jackson Hyland Lipski. They are very aggressive and very hard-left.
Also involved were #Enough, Rock the Vote, Teen Vogue, Peace First, Rise To Run, The Gathering for Justice, and Justice League NYC.
Good Luck Dems!
A white beta. Good luck. https://t.co/7yntGeTMkl
— Rob Schmitt (@SchmittNYC) February 1, 2025
I’m actually worried. This looks like the scene right before the cult leader starts passing around the Kool-Aid. https://t.co/DmzI82oWvk
— Charles V Payne (@cvpayne) February 2, 2025
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