Angry Dad Blasts School Board Over Sexual Fantasy Assignment


In Eugene, Oregon 4J school district, a teacher who also coaches gave a written handout to the students asking them to describe their sexual fantasies. The father of one of the young female students attended the board meeting with anĀ ultimatum. He told them to remove the teacher, or he will go down to the county clerk and demand the removal of everyone on the board.

This typical father doesn’t want his high school child forced to reveal sexual fantasies in a school assignment. He gave the board the definition of verbal sexual abuse before he spoke.

The course is titled, Health 2, Human Sexuality. This lesson steps over the line, which is the danger when schools can take over a child’s sexual education.

The assignment:

For those students who were absent, you will write a short story of a paragraph or two. This story is a sexual fantasy that will have NO penetration of any kind or oral sex (no way of passing an STI). You will choose 3 items (romantic music, candles, massage oil, feather, feather boa, flavored syrup, etc) to use in your story. Your story should show that you can show and receive loving physical affection without having sex.

Only that wasn’t the assignment. It was much worse than that!

Calling itĀ ā€œthis atrocity of assignments,ā€ The father told the board, ā€œI want to first say youā€™re a liar. Itā€™s not a rumor. I have the proof right here in my phoneā€¦.ā€™with whom would you do it with?’ā€

He said his daughter told him that ā€œthe teacher put up a wheel on the class board, and it stated ā€˜anal penetration, oral sex, licking of the ear, kissing,ā€™ and he wanted them to write down the initials of a boy or girl that they would do these activities with. Now, I donā€™t know whatā€™s worse: wanting to know my childā€™s sexual fantasy or who theyā€™re going to have anal penetration and oral sex with.ā€

The dad asks, ā€œWhat is he gaining from this? What do you gain from this information?ā€ He said his daughter did the assignment ā€œbecause sheā€™s scared. She wants to get good grades. She wants to get her licenseā€¦ā€

He demanded to know why his daughter hadnā€™t received the assignment back with a grade on it.
A very good question.

The Dad thinks the teacher might be ā€œliterally using this for his sexual deviant [sic].ā€ He describes the teacherā€™s giving this assignment as ā€œverbally sexually abus[ing] every single child in that classroom.

The father believes the teacher is still teaching because heā€™s a coach. This parent did an excellent job of asserting his rights. Whether the board will listen and make adjustments without calling the DOJ, we can’t say.

These types of assignments are beginning to flourish and catch on. Parents must pay attention to their children’s assignments and speak up when they go too far. As parents, you deserve to see and have a say in the curriculum.

Don’t let the school officials usurp your role as a parent. Go with your gut. If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.

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