Parents Reject Mandated Gender Lessons in Montgomery Cnty


About 70 parents reacted strongly to Montgomery School District’s new policy. The district is mandating lessons in gender identity and gender (LGBTQIA+PRIDE) orientation. Parents want to be able to opt their children out. An email was sent home advising parents of their new indoctrination policy on gender.

According to Rebel News, Montgomery County Public Schools is Maryland’s largest public school district. They recorded a 582% increase in the number of students who identify as gender non-confirming in only two years. Indoctrination works.

The district will no longer notify parents of gender ideology lessons under the banner of inclusivity.

It’s not very inclusive of parents, which gives lie to their premise. The district will not allow parents to OPT THEIR CHILDREN OUR OF THE LESSONS!

The email to parents in part;

“MCPS expects all classrooms to be inclusive and safe spaces for students, including those who identify as LGBTQ+ or have family members in the LGBTQ+ community,” the email to parents read. “A broad representation of personal characteristics within curricular or instructional materials promotes this desired outcome. Therefore, as with all curriculum resources, there is an expectation that teachers utilize these inclusive lessons and texts with all students.”

It’s the Montgomery County School Values:

“As is standard practice, when planning for instruction teachers/schools are encouraged to utilize a variety of resources to continue to promote an inclusive environment as outlined in the MCPS Core Values and Board Policy,” according to the email. “Students and families may not choose to opt out of engaging with any instructional materials, other than ‘Family Life and Human Sexuality Unit of Instruction’ which is specifically permitted by Maryland law. As such, teachers will not send home letters to inform families when inclusive books are read in the future.”

According to the Daily Caller News Foundation, 70 parents attended the Montgomery County School Board meeting on Tuesday after receiving the letter to speak out against the policy. They say it violates their religious beliefs and their right to have a say in what their children are taught.

Moms for Liberty plans to sue if the policy isn’t changed. This is a good group to join. It empowers parents.

Montgomery Schools has a “Gender Support Plan” that outlines how to utilize pronouns, and specifically encourages staff to keep a child’s gender identity a secret from parents.

“The school district is infusing books about gender and sexuality into the curriculum starting in kindergarten, and parents not only can’t opt out; they won’t even get a heads-up from the school about what their kids are learning,” the NY Post reports.

Indoctrinating children should not be political, and as an educator, I don’t think most parents would want it.

If parents don’t stop this now, it will continue to get worse. There will be no end. Parents will have less and less to say about their children’s education. That is the goal as we’ve heard from so many Democrats.

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