Fatigued Harris Takes a Full Day to Prep for 2 Softball Interviews


Two weeks before the election, Kamala Harris is taking a full day off to prepare for a taped softball interview on NBC and a taped interview on Univision. Her campaign is a clown show. She keeps giving the same evasive, inadequate answers to the same questions no matter how often they are asked.

How is she going to confront Presidents Xi and Putin, or anyone else?

Far-left Axios posted an article in July describing how terrified she was to go to a donor’s dinner party. She had to prepare for it.

Axios said that in April 2022, Harris was the guest for a dinner at D.C. news mogul David Bradley’s home. Bradley hosted the salon-style event with Washington journalists and newsmakers.

According to two people familiar with the event, Harris’ anxiety about the dinner was such that her staff held a mock dinner beforehand, with staffers playing participants.

Harris’s aides even considered including wine in the mock prep so Harris could practice with a glass or two.

Her answer to most questions is she’s a middle-class kid, one of us, except her mother said she was privileged as the daughter of two college professors.

Redstate has an article up today in which the author, Jim Thompson, reveals how she got into a law school program she didn’t qualify for. While we don’t know her grades, we know she didn’t have high scores. She pretended she was impoverished and qualified for a program that should have gone to someone who actually was in need.

Mr. Thompson writes:

She wasn’t an honors student at Howard. There is no information on what Kamala Harris scored on her LSAT. We do know that she didn’t pass the Bar on the first try when 80 percent of her classmates did pass. So how did a run-of-the-mill student, and daughter of a “privileged” upbringing get into Hastings School of Law?

Easy – she fudged her application.

Harris was admitted under the Legal Education Opportunity Program (LEOP).

She is dishonest, as is her running mate. Harris got her big political start thanks to her sleeping buddy Willie Brown. He said she got the first two political positions, including the District Attorney position, because of his influence.

Harris might also need the day off because at age 60, she and Walz can’t keep up with Donald Trump. At a rally this past week, Walz said that they are tired, “we’re fatigued,  we’re fatigued.”

Tommy Tuberville tells the truth in the clip:

“Well, I think they’re just trying to keep her off-camera, to be honest. She’s been a disaster. Her poll numbers keep going down.

“Donald Trump is an energizer bunny. I mean, he does not quit. I mean, he keeps going and going and going. You know, he’s called me before two or three in the morning. Coach, what are you doing, [I say,] I’m sleeping? What are you doing? He sleeps two or three hours a night, but he loves what he’s doing.

“He loves the country. He’s our only chance. We can’t lose this. We can’t have another four years of this nonsense, of spending money that we don’t have, of all the things that are going on in foreign wars. He will get us out of the wars; he will get us back to spending the right way.

But we’ve got to get an identity back in our country. Right now, we don’t have an identity, and the Democrats are all to blame for it. Because they pushed all this agenda that is totally nonsense.

I put a lot of blame on Nancy Pelosi, welcoming in Marxists and radical Islamists into Congress and pushing the lies and hate. She did her best to put all the blame for J6 on Republicans while knowing she was partly to blame.

There are many others involved in destroying the country to maintain power, but she had no small role and is clearly suffering from mental aging. There was no one reining her in.

What’s Kamala’s agenda, and what will she do in office? The nonsense she spews is meaningless.

Emphasis added.

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