Fox News will once again host a town hall event for the far-left 2020 Democrat candidate hoping to oust President Trump from the Oval Office.
Fox will give Pete Buttigieg a platform on their network for the second time during his presidential campaign. Pete Buttigieg is very far-left and his father was a famous communist professor. One of his projects is to get the name of Thomas Jefferson off every building in Indiana. Who is he going to put in his place? Marx?
Last time, Fox let him say pretty much anything he wanted about Trump. He even bashed Fox News.
It will take place on Jan. 26 from Des Moines, Iowa. The town hall, which will be moderated by “Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace who loves the guy, comes one week before the Iowa caucuses.
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“We are pleased to host Mayor Buttigieg for the second time this election cycle for a timely town hall in the influential state of Iowa,” said Jay Wallace, president and executive editor of Fox News Media, in a statement. “Once again, we are looking forward to providing our millions of viewers with an insightful discussion ahead of the first major contest of the primary season.”
Fox has also hosted town hall events for Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), as well as two former Democratic candidates who have already dropped out of the race, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and former HUD leader Julián Castro.
“Buttigieg, 37, currently sits in fourth place among Democratic candidates in the RealClearPolitics average of polls, with 7.7 percent support nationwide,” reports The Hill. “But polls in Iowa show a much tighter race in the Hawkeye state, according to the site, with Buttigieg in a statistical dead heat for first place with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Vice President Joe Biden.”
He insulted Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham the last time Fox gave him a platform.
The mayor tried to explain why he went on the network leftists hate — Fox News — and then trashed the network and some hosts. Warren said the network has mixed “bigotry, racism, and outright lies with enough legit journalism to make the claim to advertisers that it’s a reputable news outlet.”
She is the liar but that’s for another article.
“There is a reason why anyone has to swallow hard and think twice about participating in this media ecosystem,” Buttigieg said after insulting Carlson for saying [illegal, unvetted] immigrants make the country dirty and Ingraham comparing detention centers with children to summer camps.
He was talking about criminals and lowlifes.
The once-mayor of a small town that didn’t do well under his rule took the comments out of context.
“Even though some of those hosts are not there in good faith, I think a lot of people tune into this network who do it in good faith,” he said, adding that Democrats “can’t blame” Fox viewers if “they are ignoring our message because they will never hear it if we don’t go on and talk about it.”
The children aren’t in cages, and many are in bedrooms.
He is very condescending. All Fox viewers are just too ignorant in his mind. They don’t know better. He knows everything. Fox apparently chose him to lead the Democrats or something.
If you must appear on Fox News, then calling out Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham *by name* while doing so is exactly how to do
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) May 20, 2019
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