Germany recently sent in a slew of police to shut down a speech by Martin Sellner. Welt reports that he was giving a speech in Neulingen in Baden-Württemberg.
Sellner is a member of the AfD party. The authoritarians are trying to falsely claim AfD is a dangerous far-right party. His crime is a book he wrote called Remigration. In it, he says a large number of people of foreign origin should leave the country by duress if necessary.
For that, the police stopped the reading and banned him from the town. The reason? They wanted to keep him from committing crimes! This is the pre-crime approach that is becoming popular in the West.
They can do this under the Baden-Württemberg Police Act!
The order was issued immediately after the meeting began.
The police maintain that the law permits them to issue a temporary ban if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the individual may commit or contribute to a criminal act.
All the man did was author a book they disagree with and there is nothing criminal in his book.
German national and writer Eugyypius explains what he has learned from this.
Reporter Eugyypius learned that domestic intelligence agencies can unilaterally repurpose elements of the DDR criminal code to make comparing these authoritarian policies to the tactics of communist regimes a political offense.
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He learned that deriding the Greens, calling self-described socialist politicians socialists, opposing mass migration, denouncing trans ideology, and even criticizing state media can make you politically suspect and subject you to surveillance from the Federal Protectors of the Constitution.
Eugyypius learned that the Interior Ministry and its enforcers can pursue those who “mock the state” as they would organized criminal gangs, that they can ban entire newspapers overnight and without a scintilla of due process, and that state politicians can ignore their statutory obligations to neutrality in the exercise of their office and call for nationwide regime-sponsored protests against their political opposition.
The US is heading in the same direction. The UK Prime Minister recently said he plans to arrest people for pre-crimes. It’s been bandied about in blue U.S. states. They make laws so broad and vague that they can be stretched to meet the needs of authoritarians.