Glenn Beck discusses the communists at our door & in our government


Glenn Beck explains who is funding and organizing the migrant caravans across the southern border and how they are connected to top leaders within the U.S. government. We’re being twisted inside out and this time it goes way beyond George Soros. Watch the clip, it gets better about halfway through.

He’s not wrong.  Open borders groups like Pueblo Sin Fronteras, the U.N., and American communists, many based in Chicago are provably behind the invasion on our borders. Some communist nations are likely behind it as well.

Beck adds that the success of the movement in the United States is due to the leaders of the Democrat Party who are supporting it.

Communists are behind the movement. Of that, there is no doubt.


In an op-ed at The Daily Caller, Raheem Kassam says Democrat donors and radical groups are tied to the caravan and one of the chief backers, Pueblo Sin Fronteras. Other publications have made similar connections.

There are also ties to a communist revolutionary party in Honduras.

Daniel John Sobieski, writing for American Thinker, said the Honduran government does not have clean hands in this.

Hard-left radicals in Honduras are pushing the movement.

One of the main organizers — reportedly — is Bartolo Fuentes. He is a former Honduran legislator and member of the radical leftist Libre party. He was detained in October of last year by Guatemalan authorities for illegally entering the country, The Daily Signal reported.

Libre is not a political party but a destabilizing movement. It was founded in 2011 by former President Manuel (Mel) Zelaya. Zelaya is a communist and a bad hombre, allied with Castro in Cuba and Maduro in Venezuela.

El Universal also names Fuentes in an op-ed. He is the dictator who was removed in a coup when Obama first assumed the presidency. Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton demanded Hondurans put Zelaya back into office. The Hondurans refused but did agree to let Zelaya live in Honduras, but only under duress from the Obama administration.

It is very concerning that Fuentes is involved.

Don’t doubt it’s a crisis. Obama’s DHS secretary says it’s a crisis:


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