This is great news. The liberal Swedes “threw out the mad greenies” and they are going back to nuclear and other fossil fuels. Unfortunately, Australians and Americans can’t learn from the Swedes.
The Swedes got sick of the crime thanks to their overly-generous immigration policy. They got sick of bombs being thrown around and girls and women being raped.
We better throw out the crazy Democrats in the U.S. who are letting the furthest left of their party run the government. Democrats are deconstructing capitalism, bringing in unvetted foreigners from everywhere in the world, and they are destroying the Constitution. They are lying, spreading propaganda, instilling young children with drag queens, 1619, gender ideology, and Critical Race Theory. They want a massive bureaucracy with regulations, taxes, and no freedom. They don’t allow free speech and demonize anyone who disagrees. Forget the nuclear family and parental control under these people. And forget heat and air-condition.
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