Hitler’s Ghost as Berkeley Law Students Ban Free Speech for Jews


It’s 1933 in Berkeley, California.

Nine law student groups at the University of California at Berkeley’s School of Law amended bylaws to ensure that they will never invite any speakers supporting Israel or Zionism. There is no free speech for Jews at Berkeley.

Nazis blocked Jewish students from entering. Sound familiar, Berkeley?
And law students came up with this! What US law do they think covers bigotry against Jews?

They represent a large percentage of the student population. The Women of Berkeley Law, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, Middle Eastern and North African Law Students Association, Law Students of African Descent, and the Queer Caucus are represented.

Berkeley Law’s Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, a progressive Zionist, has observed that he would be banned under this standard, as would 90% of his Jewish students.

Berkeley’s actions should terrify people. Keep in mind that you’re next. If you think this is okay because you don’t like Israel or Jews, banning anyone opens the door to banning you.

The excuse for this abomination is safe spaces.

“In the interest of protecting the safety and welfare of Palestinian students on campus,” allies of the anti-Israel accepting its antisemitic rationale, “will not invite speakers that have expressed and continued to hold views or host/sponsor/promote events in support of Zionism, the apartheid state of Israel, and the occupation of Palestine.”

What safe spaces did they set up for Jews?

Forget Jews. Why can’t we hear opposing opinions? This is very dangerous, not only for Jews but for all Americans. Who will Berkeley ban next? White Christians?

This is Democrat Hitlerianism.

In April 1933, German law restricted the number of Jewish students at German schools and universities. In the same month, further legislation sharply curtailed “Jewish activity” in the medical and legal professions. Subsequent decrees restricted reimbursement of Jewish doctors from public (state) health insurance funds. The city of Berlin forbade Jewish lawyers and notaries to work on legal matters, the mayor of Munich forbade Jewish doctors from treating non-Jewish patients, and the Bavarian interior ministry denied admission of Jewish students to medical school.

The Nuremberg Race Laws formed the cornerstone of Nazi racial policy. Their introduction in September 1935 heralded a new wave of antisemitic legislation that brought about immediate and concrete segregation. German court judges could not cite legal commentaries or opinions written by Jewish authors, Jewish officers were expelled from the army, and Jewish university students were not allowed to sit for doctoral exams.

Daniel Greenfield writes about the “ghetto benches.”

“Those who know history may remember the ‘Ghetto Benches’ that Jewish students in Polish universities [run by the Nazis] were subjected to before the Holocaust. Nationalist student groups demanded that Jewish students be banished to ‘ghetto benches.’ When the administration didn’t give in, they rioted and assaulted Jewish students. Eventually, the administrations gave in, and ghetto benches became widespread. A few courageous faculty members refused to go along, but most did. It was a preview of the Holocaust, which would have as its epicenter not long after that, the mass murder of Jews in Polish [Nazi-run camps in occupied Poland] death camps.”

As he said, “history repeats itself” at Berkeley.

People need to understand that Jews are just a convenient scapegoat. They want to control everyone who doesn’t obey their ideological demands.

In the 1960s, Berkeley students were radically supportive of free speech. How things change and are the same again. People can’t learn from history if they are ill-taught.

There is NO JUSTIFICATION to deprive Jewish students of their civil rights.

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