If You Still Trust the Media, Watch These Clips


Most readers know that only six companies or families own the entire legacy media, and they propagandize it. They are currently buying local media where you could often get the truth. There is a solution, however. Think for yourself. Research and make your own decisions.

Except for Fox News, they are all activists for the Democrat Party or leading the Democrat Party. Many Fox networks are not owned by Rupert Murdoch, and they are also left-wing. Murdoch doesn’t like Trump so he too is agenda-driven. You can’t trust any media They are corporate, and they have too much power.

If you still think you have a choice, consider the Goebbels-like propaganda you listen to over and over in print media, online, and on TV. They repeat it because it works subconsciously.

Forget the partisanship involved and just consider what this means for the nation. Without a free press, we have nothing. Not only are these so-called journalists feeding us non-stop propaganda, but they are also making their employees repeat it.

It’s manipulation, and it is taking away all choice and all freedom.

In these two clips, you will hear the media claim a centrist Prime Minister who leans right is the new Mussolini. It’s a lie, but the media doesn’t care. If you move an inch towards the right, you are Mussolini or Hitler, even as they act like dictators.

The media suits speed dial the talking points to their employees, exploiting the trust that Americans place in them.

These ideologues have gone after social media and every outlet that doesn’t follow the company line.

When powerful forces lie, and manipulate, they take away your freedom.

While many Americans take free speech for granted, the tradition is far from universal. Many developed nations restrict speech that is deemed hurtful or offensive. And in the United States, there is increasing sentiment that some speech is not worth protecting.

In fact, some want to decide what people can or cannot say with subjective guidelines. Everything disagreeable is suddenly hate speech.

Words can be hurtful. Nevertheless, we must keep free speech. It protects our liberty.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Without that, anything can be declared hate speech, including religion, political persuasions, orthodox traditions, anything.

Free speech gives you the right to protect yourself from a tyrannical government.

Everyone offends everyone at one time or another. Offensive speech can never be the guide, or no one will speak.

The first thing people need to do to preserve free speech is make certain our schools are teaching its importance of it.

Don’t trust the media. Trust yourself and if it feels wrong, check it out.

In 2017, Germany enacted a law that obliges social media networks to be more “diligent in policing ‘hate speech’ on their platforms.” France and the UK have similar laws. The danger is “the people who disagree with you the most would have the most control over what you’re allowed to say.”

Protect free speech. There is a reason it comes under the First Amendment.


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