Insane journalism when an ill-timed trip is important but killing the elderly – meh


ABC’s ‘World News Night’ devoted about four times more coverage Thursday to the Cancun controversy surrounding Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) than the growing legal problems faced by Democrat New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

It isn’t just ABC. Fox News pointed out that on the six most popular shows on CNN and MSNBC, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, killer of the elderly who lies about it, got a total of three minutes of air time on those six most popular shows.

Cruz got 46 minutes.

It’s insanely irresponsible journalism.

Governor Cuomo’s outrageous policy forcing elderly COV patients into nursing homes when he had hospital space led to the deaths of at least 1,000 people, and probably thousands.  His policy seeded the nursing homes. He compounded it by covering it up and blaming everyone except himself.

Ted Cruz made a mistake also, but it’s not an egregious error, yet ABC decided to make it the news of the night because they want to turn Texas blue. They also want to distract from Cuomo’s problems. Politico went after Cruz, Abbott, and former Governor Perry to make Republicans look as bad as possible for minor mistakes.

Cruz should have been more aware of the optics.

Texans are still struggling following deadly winter storms that have devastated the state’s power grid, and Cruz received some terrible publicity late Wednesday after pictures emerged on social media showing him and his family flying to Mexico for vacation. Cruz flew back to Houston the next day amid the backlash.

Cruz took responsibility and apologized:

On the other hand, Andrew Cuomo is facing probes by the FBI and the US attorney’s office in Brooklyn. People on both sides of the aisle are calling for him to resign. A Democrat lawmaker, Ron Kim came forward to describe the vicious phone calls he received from Cuomo and his staff threatening to destroy him if he didn’t lie as part of the coverup.

Cuomo claims his mistake was not coming out sooner to aggressively address the lies and conspiracy theories. However, his top aide, Melissa DeRosa just said the administration hid the real data of nursing home deaths to avoid Trump’s DoJ.

Cuomo will not take responsibility:

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