Iowa School Shooter Was a “Deeply Disturbed” Trans-Gender-Fluid


The trans-gender-fluid person who killed one student, a 6th grader, and injured five at Perry High School in Iowa also killed himself with a single gunshot wound to the head. One of the injured students is in critical condition.

He is identified as student Dylan Butler, 17, who is tied to “genderfluid” and “transitioning” social media posts.

An investigation is ongoing, and officers from federal, state, and local agencies are working on the incident.

Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation Assistant Director Mitch Mortvedt said the shooter was armed with a pump action shotgun and a small caliber handgun.

He said the shooter made several social media posts in and around the time of the shooting.

One question should be asked: if, instead of getting help, he was told he was transgender.

This shooting will be memory-holed quickly. How did he get a shotgun and a handgun?

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