James Clyburn Blames Trump for a 9-Year-Old Mass Killing


Representative James Clyburn, a Democrat from South Carolina, was largely responsible for getting Joe Biden into the White House. He is back at it. He’s blaming Donald Trump for the racist who murdered nine innocent black people in Mother Emmanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina.

The horrific murders took place nine years ago in 2015 as the worshippers welcomed the white killer into the church to sit with them. Clyburn made the comments during a Sunday interview on CNN’s State of the Union while discussing President Biden‘s upcoming trip to South Carolina.

Screengrab of James Clyburn

“Is it fair to tie in any way what happened at the Emanuel AME Church to Donald Trump?” Tapper asked Clyburn, “Donald Trump had barely launched his campaign when that attack happened.”

“I think it is very clear that Donald Trump’s utterances way back before Charlottesville or at the time of Charlottesville ties him to what happened at Mother Emanuel,” Clyburn claimed. “The fact of the matter is, that young man went into that church’s basement, joined with those worshipers in Bible study, and murdered them.”

He’s referring to the Charlottesville lie. Democrats refuse to tell the truth about that even though CNN admitted the truth.

“And he said at the time that he was attempting to create a race war. But the people of Charleston, South Carolina, the families of the affected victims all came together to get beyond hate and reach out to help continue this pursuit of a more perfect union,” he continued. “Donald Trump looked at those people in Charlottesville and said that there were good people on both sides. And those people were uttering things like, ‘Jews will not replace us.’ That is a religion. The AME Church Emanuel, that is religion. And Donald Trump has said things in support of those activities that ties him closely to what happened at Mother Emanuel.”

Democrats are desperate and will say anything.

The 17-year-old Killer Dylan Roof said he was motivated after he read about Trayvon Martin. He never mentioned Donald Trump, who wasn’t even in campaign mode. Roof didn’t need an excuse. He was an evil teen who wanted to kill black people.

The alarming thing is people will believe this blatant lie. Trump has to get into South Carolina and speak with the black people. He should go with Tim Scott or Ben Carson.

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