Jill Biden went to Harlem


With all the talk about Trump supporters not getting vaccinated, the big hold-up is actually in the black community. Only 29 percent of black New Yorkers received at least one shot compared with 45 percent of white New Yorkers.  According to data from the New York City health department, in Harlem, a black and Hispanic community, the rate is between 39 and 46 percent, but in Manhattan, it is 64 percent.

In a Washington Post article, author Jada Yuan wondered in her title, “Can Jill Biden help move the needle on vaccination rates?”

Jill, white Jill Biden, allegedly visited Harlem to convince them to get vaccinated. This is after Democrats stigmatized the vaccine, and told their followers for years that they can’t trust white people or the government.

Touted by The Washington Post as a visit by Jill Biden to help move the needle. WaPo’s opening began with a. disappointed attendee who thought Michelle Obama was coming.

Jill Biden can’t move any needles, and that’s just a fact. She’s a silly goose.



The entire WaPo article is a fraud. This was simply a photo-op. As one young man at the site said, “It didn’t mean anything really.”

Biden, Fauci, and U.S. Sen Kirsten Gillibrand watched as people got their shots on Sunday in the basement of the Abyssinian Baptist Church. They were there to watch.

First lady Jill Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci were actually touring a COVID-19 vaccination site at a historic Harlem church.

Biden, Fauci, and U.S. Sen Kirsten Gillibrand watched as people got their shots on Sunday in the basement of the Abyssinian Baptist Church.

It was a vaccination site and they watched. The Abyssinian Baptist Church often hosts dignitaries and that’s all this was.

Outside they were greeted by protesters who hope to see Fauci imprisoned.

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