Lindsey Graham and the CCP Try to Fuel War with Russia


The Chinese communists and Lindsey Graham — who is leading the congressional warmongers — are trying to spark a war between the US and Russia over Ukraine.

Graham’s making a fool of himself by continually calling for Putin’s assassination. He’s also demanding NATO send jets to Ukraine. Does he want to start World War III? If we go to war, I want to see Graham on the front lines before we send Americans out to fight.

The CCP, for their part, is trying to goad Biden into war with Russia. They’re eager for such a fight and we know why. We have a weak President and Vice President leaving them an opportunity to seize the land they want and destroy the US as much as possible. They also see us rotting from within.


The CCP state media: Just applause? it’s hypocritical. If the US really wants to show justice, it should send troops to Ukraine, or at least set up a no-fly zone, and fight Putin’s troops directly, even that means sacrifice of US soldiers. Don’t just incite Ukrainians to die for American interest…


Lindsey Graham, a sick dude, also wants war. He is spouting the company line that we need to send MiGs as if 27 MiGs would make much difference.

Graham claims Ukraine is doing very well and Russia’s doing very badly. That sounds like propaganda, and if it is, they’re pushing Russia into becoming more aggressive to prove they’re not struggling.

Some reporters coming back from the region say Ukraine is losing and it’s basically over.

In any case, we can’t send MiGs directly unless we want World War III.

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