Media Buzzword: Trump Used the Word “Fight”


“Fight” is the new “bloodbath.” The media is looking for a new soundbite to use against Donald Trump. The word “fight” might be it. CNN reporter Jamie Gangel criticized Donald Trump for using the word “fight” minutes after a lunatic tried to kill him and did kill an innocent man.

Megyn Kelly verbally beat up Gangel, but Gangel isn’t the only one saying it. ABC News’s Martha Raddatz “coincidentally” came up with the same criticism.

Here’s Martha Raddatz blaming Donald Trump for almost being assassinated and complaining about his use of the word “fight.”

“We saw President Trump raise his right hand, and we could also say what I believe was fight, fight, that was his first instinct. And this is a country divided, this is a country, we saw the horrific violence yesterday… blah, blah, blah.”

Democrats don’t want him to use any words that encourage resistance.

We will fight for this country, for liberty, you dummy.

The Left is trying to convict Donald Trump for the riot of J6 by quoting him using the word “fight.” It is common political rhetoric.

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