Michael Savage on the Sovietization of America


Roman civilization did not peacefully pass away; it was assassinated.

~ French literature

Michael Savage discussed Direct TV’s dropping of Newsmax on Newsmax. He made a convincing case for the Sovietization of America through Obama first and then Biden, tying it into Newsmax’s situation. He said Obama did what he could to destroy America. Biden has continued to destroy America at a pace no one could believe.

Savage said Biden is destroying every aspect of our lives.

The only party in Soviet times was the Communist party. That’s California and many other states. They crush the opposition. Russian thugs harass opposition leaders at events. Isn’t that BLM, Antifa, Sharpton’s, or Jackson’s thugs? Soviets drowned their opponents in red tape; that’s like our executive agencies.

Soviet media only broadcast what the Soviets wanted broadcast.

Nothing new is under the sun, Savage said. Our internal enemies are turning the US into the old Soviet Union as quickly as possible. Those who control the dialogue control the minds of the people. Savage then condemned the actions of Direct TV.


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