Mitt’s Praises Biden Over Handling of the Spy Balloon Flight Over 40 States


On Thursday, Sen. Mitt Romney (RINO-Utah) defended President Biden’s super ultra-delayed reaction to the flight of a Chinese spy balloon across the United States. Mitt thinks the handling of the situation was “extraordinarily impressive.”

Romney agreed with the president’s decision to shoot it down off the South Carolina coast. This was after it traversed 40 states and hovered over nuclear sites with antennae that could capture communication signals.

Impressive, said no one ever, except Romney and Biden’s people!

The US said that the company that made the spy balloon has direct commercial ties with the People’s Liberation Army, the Chinese military. The Times reports that the company advertises past flights over the US. US officials don’t see those ads? They’re possibly too busy looking for J6 ‘insurrectionists.’

Romney marching with violent Marxists in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. BLM hopes to destroy capitalism, the justice system, police, and the family.

As to be expected, Romney was satisfied with answers from senior Democrat administration officials, including Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, at a senators’ classified briefing of the event.

“My questions were satisfactorily answered, and I believe the administration, the president, our military, and our intelligence agencies (military and intel political appointees) acted skillfully and with care. At the same time, their capabilities are extraordinarily impressive,” Romney told reporters.

Of course, all was satisfactory and “extraordinarily impressive” since he likes everything Democrats do and say.

If Romney became a Democrat, at least you’d understand why he’s so fond of all things far-left Democrat.

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