‘Moderate’ Joe to vote for domestic terrorist/population control nominee


Fake moderate Joe Manchin

In addition to being charged with conspiracy in a domestic terrorism case, her entire life has been extremely far-left. She is a population control extremist and no friend to farmers, ranchers and humans. She will be in charge of the Bureau of Land Management.

Joe Manchin, a fake moderate, will vote for Stone-Manning.

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Joe Manchin III plans to vote in favor of  Bureau of Land Management nominee Tracy Stone-Manning, despite disclosures about her role in domestic terrorism. She was involved in a tree-spiking case, The Washington Times reports.

Manchin spokesperson Sam Runyon confirmed in a Monday email that the West Virginia Democrat will back Ms. Stone-Manning to head the agency. This ensures her nomination will squeak through the committee on a tie vote at Thursday’s meeting.

Every Republican on the committee urged President Biden last week to withdraw the pick over her involvement in a 1989 tree-spiking case in Idaho’s Clearwater National Forest. She copped a plea to testify against her friends in the radical environmental group Earth First!

She’s a rat.

Also opposing the nominee is Bob Abbey, who served as President Obama’s BLM director from 2009-12 and withdrew his support last month for Ms. Stone-Manning over the eco-sabotage incident.

Manning made “false and misleading” statements to the committee on her questionnaire by saying she had never been under federal investigation.

In other words, she’s a liar.


Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming wants Biden nominee Tracy Stone-Manning eliminated for having sent a threatening letter to the Forest Service and linking to an eco-terrorist group. She sold out her roommate, turning states’ evidence to save herself. She continues as a radical within the law. Additionally, she lied about it recently.

“Tracy Stone-Manning collaborated with eco-terrorists,” Barrasso said, according to the Daily Caller. “She worked with extreme environmental activists who spiked trees, threatening the lives and livelihoods of loggers.”


“The origin of our abuses is us. If there were fewer of us, we would have less impact,” states the thesis, which was first flagged by the Daily Caller on Thursday. “We must consume less, and more importantly, we must breed fewer consuming humans.”

Stone-Manning repeated the same push in a television ad script she wrote for her thesis, as well.

“I know it would be my third baby, but there’s not a population problem here like in Africa or India…,” the woman says in the script. “And besides, smart people like Bob and me should be the people having kids.”

“The point is a simple one,” Stone-Manning wrote of the ads in her thesis. “Harshly, the ads say that the earth can’t afford Americans. More softly, they ask people to think about how their family planning choices affect the planet.”

The thesis also claims that cattle grazing on public lands is “destroying the West.” If confirmed, Stone-Manning would oversee an agency that, according to the BLM website, “manages livestock grazing on 155 million acres” of public lands.

This lunatic will destroy ranching if she can.

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