Nike, the evil company that trades in goods made by slaves, has a CEO who recently said they are “of China and for China.” They also push abortions in their athletes, using money as the wedge. That sounds very CCP-ish.
Allyson Felix could have been one of their victims, but she fought back. She is an Olympic superstar with nine medals in track and field and is looking forward to participating in her fifth Olympic games. Even she had to deal with the abuse for being pregnant.
Allyson was under contract to represent Nike apparel since December 2017 but she became pregnant so they offered her 70% less money to renew.
Corporate backing is vital to continue competing.
The Summer Olympics begin on July 23.
Female athletes who become pregnant during their careers face immense pressure to abort their babies. Children are considered necessary collateral damage in order to protect the dream of becoming an Olympian.
It wasn’t just the money, Allyson objected to how Nike and other corporations treated pregnant athletes. She asked Nike to provide maternity protection that would shield her from being penalized for performing at a lower level during pregnancy and post partem recovery. Nike refused.
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She decided to speak out. “You can’t change anything with silence,” she said. The New York Times published an opinion piece by Allyson exposing the vile secret of the corporate world – their treatment of pregnant athletes.
It worked and other female athletes came forward. Nike and other companies responded by not penalizing women for having babies.
It came too late for track star and Olympic gold medalist Sanya Richards-Ross. Under pressure, she had an abortion weeks before competing in Beijing’s 2008 Olympics.
And she has suffered since.Sanya said the abortion “seemed like no choice at all…It broke me.” The Olympian confessed, “I fell into a depth of despair.”
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