NSBA President Got a Prestigious Job After Colluding Against Parents


The National School Board Association (NSBA) famously sent a letter declaring that parents going to school board meetings to protest Critical Race Theory are domestic terrorists. Then Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland sent a letter threatening parents. It was part of an overall plot among the NSBA, the White House, and the DoJ. (Video below)

We now have more evidence, thanks to the Washington Free Beacon.

NSBA President Viola Garcia conspired with the Biden Administration to label parents as domestic terrorists. Then she got a prestigious appointment in a cushy, high-powered federal government job.

It is time for an investigation, but who would investigate? The investigators are the criminals.

The Biden regime announced the appointment of Garcia to a presidential federal education governing board AFTER she sent the “domestic terrorism” letter.

It’s an ill-gotten gain by an unethical individual unless you believe it is all a coincidence.

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, on Oct. 13, appointed National School Board Association president Viola Garcia to the National Assessment Governing Board. The Board develops the tests used to track student achievement across the country.

Garcia was behind the Sept. 29 letter urging President Joe Biden to have the FBI monitor school board meetings for potential violence. The Department of Justice formed a task force on Oct. 4 consisting of the FBI and Justice Department’s national security and civil rights divisions to stifle parents who oppose mask mandates and left-wing curricula.

Garcia’s position on the Board seems tied to her advocacy work at the National School Board Association.

Emails reported by the Washington Free Beacon show Garcia coordinated with the Biden White House and Department of Education in the weeks before releasing the controversial letter. “These are troubling times. NSBA has been engaged with the White House and the Department of Education on these and other issues related to the pandemic for several weeks now,” Garcia wrote in an Oct. 2 email obtained by the group Parents Defending Education.

The National School Board Association apologized for the letter on Friday, saying there was “no justification” for the language comparing parents to terrorists.

Some Board members were upset about Garcia’s letter saying it inflamed tensions.

Congress established the National Assessment Governing Board in 1988 to set policy for the National Assessment of Educational Progress. That is the so-called Nation’s Report Card. Part of the Board’s mission is to draft the questions used on the assessment. Then the results are used to propose policies to the Department of Education. The Board is biased, gives too much authority to the President, and should be disbanded. Another Big Government waste!


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