The NY Times says the starter home is squeezed out. They are signaling its end. A recent article segues from there into the unaffordability of the single-family home. Many entry-level homes go for half a million dollars.
The Times notes that there aren’t enough of these small, no-frills homes. The article attributes some of the problem to student debt, keeping many from building equity.
Land costs are a problem, having risen steeply due to construction costs, government fees (taxes), are regulations.
“You’ve basically regulated me out of anything remotely on the affordable side,” said Justin Wood, the owner of Fish Construction NW.
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“It’s not that I don’t want to build entry-level homes,” said builder Jerry Konter, the chairman of the National Association of Home Builders. “It’s that I can’t produce one that I can make a profit on and sell to that potential purchaser.”
Additionally, investors are buying up entry-level homes, taking them off the market so they can rent them at exorbitant rates.
It is my opinion that all of the problems stem from poor government policies and greedy corporations. These problems could turn around easily with different leaders. What do you think?
The Times’ solution coincidentally aligns with that of the NWO World Economic Forum which has quickly moved into our lives into every area of our lives.
The simplest way to put entry-level housing on increasingly expensive land is to build a lot of it — to put two, three, four, or more units on lots that for decades have been reserved for one home.
The outcome would look more like housing built a century ago, with more duplexes, more rowhouses, more homeowners adding their own rental units.
“We need to shift our culture away from this dependency on single-family detached housing, and thinking it’s the only solution,” said Daniel Parolek, an architect and author of a book on “missing middle” housing.
You will own nothing and be happy.
In an article at National Review Online, Stanley Kurtz describes what was once considered a conspiracy theory – Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030 – only it’s not called that now.
It’s called the“Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” Act (AFFH), and if your municipality takes money from the federal government, you will be forced to obey. Every town, every village, and every small city will lose its sovereignty and become subject to the rule of centralized mega-cities.
Every region of the United States will be compelled to comply with this nationally engineered society. There will no longer be any autonomy for local governments. And there will be no starter homes for single families. You’ll be forced into high rises.
Since “fair housing” means it has to be near transportation, jobs, and schools, HUD can control all planning and development.
It means the end of local government. The only question is, how long will it take if our presidential candidates don’t grab onto this and stop it? We are letting agencies and unelected bureaucrats determine what our society will look like. We could all look like Chicago.
The only other option is for communities to not take federal funding. For many, it’s too late. Find out if your town is taking federal funds and if they are, organize your neighbors to stop it. The zoning for starter homes won’t exist.
It’s happening now under Joe Biden. You suburban ladies voting for Biden should know he’s destroying the single-family home. The core of the American Dream is the family home — home ownership. It is being destroyed through regulations, financial incentives, and greedy corporations.
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