Omar responds to PA’s ban on LGBTs by excoriating Israel


Omar and Tlaib brought their PLO/Hamas propaganda on the state of Israel and its “occupation” of the West Bank to TV sets throughout the world during a presser this week. They referenced the imaginary “Palestine” which exists comfortably in the genocidal machinations of their allies and nowhere else.

Ignoring the resistance to freedom by Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas, they blame Israel for limitations on Palestinian freedom. During the presser, they attempted to draw a picture of Israel as an apartheid state although it is the freest of nations in the Middle East.

Rep. Ilhan Omar, who is actively trying — along with her squad members — to destroy Israel with setups and lies, finally responded to the Palestinian Authority’s overtly anti-LGBT act this week.


The Palestinian Authority, supported by the Squad — Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria O Cortez, and Ayanna Pressley — is banning all LGBT members from activities in the Arab-controlled West Bank. By way of contrast, LGBTs have complete freedom in Israeli territories.

Luay Zreikat, a spokesperson for the PA Police, told the Jerusalem Post that activities from the organization are “harmful to the higher values and ideals of Palestinian society.”

An LGBT gathering was planned in Nablus as part of their diversity project in the West Bank. The PA banned it.

Omar Blames Israel

At first, Omar said nothing, but she has finally responded, using it as a cudgel to beat up and excoriate Israel. She can’t control her hate.

“LGBTQ rights are human rights and we should condemn any effort to infringe upon them,” she wrote on Twitter.

“But we should also condemn any effort to equate this with the occupation or use this as a distraction.”

She continued, “Pretending that this act somehow balances or mitigates Israel violating the dignity & rights of Palestinians – or undermines case for defending Palestinian rights – is deplorable!”

She was responding to a tweet by Robby Starbuck, a Cuban American producer.

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