Pan African Prof Seeks “Destruction of “White” Economy and “Oppression” of “White Supremacists”


Pan-African activitist Professor Melina Abdullah seeks the destruction of the “white” American economy. She said that the stock market is racist while adding that she knew nothing about the stock market.

Pan African tenured professor seeks the destruction of white capitalism and oppression of whites.

“So I don’t know anything about the stock market,” she said. “I do know that it has to be racist because actually enslaved people were brought to Wall Street, that the original trade that was used for Wall Street was the trading of African people as a slave property.”

This is the insanity of the left and the madmen who hired her and let her remain.

Pan-African ideology originated in Africa. They are black supremacists.

“The Pan African Alliance is an all black organization whose mission is to spread Black consciousness, fight white supremacy, and to support the establishment of a United States of Africa. Since 2014, we have unified members of the Pan African movement through education for black liberation,” the Pan African Alliance dot com asserts on their website.

Abdullah is so racist that she would destroy the system that gave her a good life despite her incompetence.

Pan-African studies should be banned. Its roots are violent and they are communists.

Black Power Pan-African (Pan-Afrikan) Flag.

Melina Abdullah is a professor of Pan-African Studies at California State University. She is “intrinsically linked to broader struggles for the liberation of oppressed people.” She co-founded and is active in the Los Angeles Black Lives Matter chapter.

Abdullah believes that capitalism was designed to oppress black people and needs to go. She wants us to look like Zimbabwe.

“When we feed capitalism, we feed racism,” she said in a 2020 interview on the Uproxx podcast ‘People’s Party With Talib Kweli.’ Abdullah has also claimed that “white capitalism feeds itself through the exploitation of Africa and Black people.”

“Time to boycott white capitalism and build black community,” she added.

A member of Farrakhan’s hate group, she’s a paranoid and racist communist teaching youth. People need to come out and say it.

She thinks all white people are white supremacists, and it’s not enough to do away with white supremacy. According to Melina, black and brown folks have to oppress whites in a way that she thinks they are oppressed.

Abdullah is a member of the hate group, the Nation of Islam.’ Abdullah’s father, John Reimann, was “a union organizer and self-proclaimed Trotskyist.” Her mother is Linda Fowler Blackston and she was raised by Oji “Baba” Blackston. Her paternal grandfather was Günter Reimann (born Hans Steinicke), a German-Jewish Marxist economist and member of the Communist Party of Germany. She isn’t a victim of the ’black experience.’ She’s a poseur.

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