President calls off negotiations for relief package


President Trump called off negotiations with Speaker Nancy Pelosi for a relief package until after the election. He made the announcement in tweets this afternoon (about 3:15 pm EST). Pelosi will not allow Republicans to have a win so close to the election and they simply don’t care about the economy or the people losing their livelihoods.

This is a daring move and he will be pilloried but he needs Judge Powell appointed more than he needs to waste time with nasty, unrelenting Nancy. One of the items Nancy won’t give up is unrestricted funds for cities and states.

The Blue cities and states are implementing Draconian lockdown orders without end. Governor Cuomo is destroying a third to more than half of the restaurants in the city and a lot of other businesses. He’s making it impossible for parents to plan, restaurants to order food, children to learn, people to worship, and businesses to survive, much less thrive. And other blue rulers are doing the same thing.

After the announcement was made on Twitter by President Trump, the stock market started to sink.

This followed the Federal Reserve Chairman Jeremy Powell announcing that a relief package was needed immediately to avoid a “weak recovery, cre­at­ing un­nec­es­sary hard­ship.”


The bill includes:

  • $1 trillion in nearly totally unrestricted funds just for cities and states. There is one restriction — no money for policing.
  • It gives federal taxpayer-funded healthcare to illegal aliens — any illegal who wanders into the country.
  • Her bill allows ballot harvesting and revokes state-level ID laws.
  • She has funding in it for pot shops.
  • They want hundreds of millions for public broadcast and funding for local press retirement plans.
  • Policing of racial makeup of corporate boards is in the bill.
  • Endless climate change pork that won’t do a thing for climate change in our lifetimes or any likely.


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