Privileged White Dem Sen. Whitehouse- a Long Time Member of All White Beach Club


Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, who bills himself as a progressive and prominent critic of “systemic racism” is facing new scrutiny over his decades-long membership in an allegedly all-white private beach club.

The controversy began when Whitehouse (D-RI) was confronted Friday by a GoLocal Providence reporter, who published the video along with an article on Saturday detailing what occurred after asking about the senator’s membership at Newport-based Bailey’s Beach Club, part of the Spouting Rock Beach Association.

After being asked about the club’s lack of any diversity Whitehouse said, “I think the people who are running the place are still working on that and I’m sorry it hasn’t happened yet.”  It’s been decades Shelly.

Asked if such clubs should continue to exist at a time when the country is having a racial reckoning, Whitehouse replied, “It’s a long tradition in Rhode Island, and there are many of them.”  You know, kinda like those segregated schools, restaurants, and bathrooms in the Jim Crow, Democrat-controlled South.

When the Rhode Island senator, who was first elected in 2006, initially ran for his office, he disavowed his membership and pledged to quit the club, GoLocal reported.

When confronted in 2017, Sheldon, the virtue signaling, woke, left-wing scold sheepishly said, “I think it would be nice if they changed a little bit, but it’s not my position.”  So his position is white only beach clubs are OK in deep-blue Rhode Island?

Asked that same year if he intended to pressure the club to do better on diversity, Whitehouse, usually quick to the friendly cameras replied, “I will take that up privately,” before declining to comment on the matter further.

And how’s this for a couple of cherries on top of white Dem. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse’s white privilege sundae?  His wife Sandra is one of the three largest shareholders in the club, and membership for both “goes back generations”.

“Their parents, both of them, and their children summered at the ultra-exclusive club and had access to socializing and building contacts with some of the wealthiest families whose ranks include multiple billionaires.”

Can you get any whiter or more privileged than that?  Only if you’re a virtue signaling, Dem, hypocrite, who feels protected by corrupt media.

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