Professor Lott Calls Out Dem Candidate Fetterman’s Lies About Voter ID


“Last week, Pennsylvania U.S. Senate candidate Democrat John Fetterman said that requiring a voter I.D. is “insidious and unnecessary,” “outrageous,” “illogical,” “unfair,” and “simply voter suppression.” He says that concerns about vote fraud are a myth. But if concerns about vote fraud are a delusion, it is a delusion shared by virtually all other countries and by the vast majority of American voters (79%),” writes Professor John Lott.

John Fetterman

Countries worldwide require voter ID, and the Czech Republic won’t allow driver’s licenses as voter ID.

Fetterman’s claims that it leads to voter suppression are false. It increases turnout in other countries and the US.

“Turnout in Mexico increased after sweeping reforms were enacted in 1991. Inconveniently, people have to go in person to apply for the I.D.s and then pick them up at a later date. For some Mexicans, that means trips each way of almost 100 miles. Absentee ballots are completely banned.

“You would think that voter turnout would plummet, but that’s not what happened. In the three presidential elections after Mexico’s reforms, 68% of eligible citizens voted compared to only 59% in the three elections before the changes.”

“When Georgia took the modest step of requiring voters to include the last four digits of their Social Security numbers on absentee ballots, the reform was met with corporate boycotts. Compare that with Europe, where 35 of the 47 countries entirely ban absentee voting for citizens who reside domestically.


“Another ten countries have absentee ballots, but voters can only collect them by going in person and presenting photo I.D. Most of those ten countries limit absentee voting to those who can provide third-party verification of hospitalization or military service.

“Even during the COVID lockdowns, unlike the U.S., Europe made few exceptions…”

Northern Ireland learned the hard way after rampant voter fraud and tightened up ID requirements.


“In all European and developed countries, strict chain of custody regulations exist for ballot boxes. Ballot boxes being left out unattended at 3 a.m., as we saw in Pennsylvania, is not something that we see outside of the United States…”

“Although the rest of the developed world also debates how to balance voter fraud prevention with ease of voting, there is agreement across the political spectrum (e.g., Canada and Mexico) that people need to verify their identities.”

Read more at the Post-Gazette. The voter ID scam put forth by Democrats has one purpose – to cheat. Fetterman wants to corrupt the vote. Whether it’s willful or not, we cannot say.

Fetterman is an unabashed communist. He probably calls himself a Democrat Socialist, and that’s even worse. They are more extreme. Look at his agenda. He’s very far left on every issue. Watch:

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