Psaki Wants Americans to Follow Medical Tyrants, Not Governors


Psaki doubles down on White House NOT budging on COVID despite Democrat states rolling back, and the UK dropping all rules and cases dropping.

President Joe Biden’s administration doubled down on wearing face masks – even as eight Democratic governors have rolled back COVID restrictions. Their internal polling likely guided them.

Cases and hospitalizations have plummeted, and England has scrapped all the rules with no surges ensuing.

Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki gave her usual hostile answer on Wednesday.

“Our guidance has consistently been this: when you are in a high transmission area, which is everywhere in the country, you should wear a mask and indoor settings, including schools,” she said.

Democrat governors in Nevada, Oregon, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, California, Illinois, and Delaware have all announced or are preparing some form of easing of face mask restrictions in the coming weeks, including in schools.

As an aside, in New York at least, the unelected governor hasn’t relinquished power. Instead, she has codified her dictatorial powers with health department amendments to existing laws.

When asked if people should follow the current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, which are to wear a face covering, instead of listening to their governor, Psaki responded: ‘Yes.’

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