Rand Paul Warns Against Trudeau-Like Emergency Acts in the US


Rand Paul sent out a warning to Americans after Justin Trudeau turned Canada into a fascist nightmare. Trudeau set a precedent on instituting emergency powers over very little.

“I think statutes that allow presidents or heads of state to invoke emergencies are very, very dangerous,” said Paul during an episode of the BASED Politics program.

“We have the same sort of statutes here, and I have long-time been an opponent of these. We actually have in the United States an Emergency Act that allows the president to shut down the internet,” he said.

‘“[Sen.] Mike Lee had some reforms that he put forward on the Emergency Act, and it’s something we should look at because these things go on and on,” Paul continued. “There are some emergencies in the U.S. that have been going on for many, many decades. And the president can just renew them every year. There’s no real stopping him.”

The Kentucky senator went on to point out how he tweeted on February 16 that Canada had transformed itself into Egypt. Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has been extending his emergency powers so he could arbitrarily detain or target political opponents.

“And so the emergency edict that Trudeau has done in Canada allows him to do some horrendous things, allows him to stop travel, allows him to detain people without trial. Now we don’t know that he’s going to do that, but it is very, very worrisome what he might do,” Paul said.

It is likely happening in New York. Unelected Governor Hochul is codifying her powers to lockdown, quarantine, order masks, and the power to force businesses to obey her orders.

Democrats love to take existing laws and morph them into something they were never meant to be or do – take Obamacare. The House reworked a bill that already passed so Obamacare didn’t have to go back to the Senate where it would have failed.

Canadian groups have also pushed back on Trudeau’s emergency declaration. The Canadian Civil Liberties Association said that the trucker’s disruptions did not rise to the level of the standard needed for the prime minister to invoke the Emergencies Act.

The Canadian Parliament voted to approve the tyrannical use of the Emergency Act and Emergency Measures that will be used to imprison peaceful protesters and financially destroy them.

Once tyrants have power over the people, they don’t give it up willingly.

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