Rep. Bowman Screamed About Guns, GOP, Disarming Americans


Democrats want to disarm Americans. Rep. Jamaal Bowman is a good example of how they plan to do it. Bowman plans to disarm Americans by screaming at them. In the clip below, Rep. Bowman screamed, playing for the cameras as Rep. Thomas Massie tried to talk with him.

Bowman suggested that because he worked in schools, he has moral superiority on the issue of keeping school children safe.

Democrats now want all of our guns, but, as you know, Congress is exempt from its own rules.

The problem isn’t guns. It’s mental illness and evil. It could also be the insane drugs people are given when they have a mental illness or transition to a different gender. No one is allowed to mention the medication for fear of censorship. Big Pharma and psychiatrists are Democrat identity groups.

The country has lost its way.

Bowman is a very far-left member of the Squad. He has called for defunding the police while demanding special protection for himself. He’s a fraud. Bowman screamed to disarm Americans in the halls of Congress yesterday. Time and again, if the radicals scream, they get their way.

As an aside, the so-called assault rifles weren’t.

The gun that trans person Audrey Hale used to slaughter six people were two ordinary rifles that shoot like handguns and a handgun. They don’t fit a definition of “assault rifle” or “weapon of war.” They weren’t even AKs.

Audrey Hale’s parents didn’t want her to have guns because she was suicidal. Under red flag laws, they could have kept her from buying any. They didn’t do that. Instead, her mother posted gun control messages on social media.


“Force them to respond to the question, ‘what the hell would he do? Anything to save America’s children?” Bowman screamed at the top of his lungs. “And let them explain that all the way up until next May 2024. Let them explain all the way up to Election Day on 2024. They’re freaking cowards. they’re gutless.”

“Look at the data. You’re not looking at any data…a look at the data,” Bowman screamed, shouting down Rep. Massie trying to reason with him. Massie wanted to explore the possibility of hardening schools. [Murderess Audrey Hale chose Covenant in part because she said her other target was too heavily secured.]

“More guns means more deaths,” Bowman said echoing the talking point, and continuing on about data. He screamed about open carry laws meaning “more death.”

Rep. Massie asked him to “turn it down a notch” as he shouted him down.

Rep. Bowman screamed continuously during this episode, suggesting that if Rep. Massie hasn’t worked in a school, his opinion is worthless.

“OK I’ll bring it down enough alright,” Bowman screamed at the top of his lungs. “Have you ever worked in a school…have you worked in a school…have you ever worked in a school? I was screaming before you came and interrupted me.  …I worked in the school for 20 years I worked in school 20 years, and I was a teacher … a middle school principal… I was in cafeterias protecting kids everyday of my career.

Rep. Massie tried to tell him that if there should be some armed people in every school to protect them. “Every school that’s allowed it has never had a shooting, not even an accidental discharge in any of the schools,” Massie said.

Colion Noir appears on Tucker frequently as a strong 2A supporter. Hanguns are used in the vast majority of these crimes. It is my opinion that they are coming after rifles first because they are easier targets. Handguns will be swept along.

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