Romney betrays Trump on mail-in voting during a new interview


Senator Mitt Romney began an interview with The Sutherland Institute calling out mistakes by every Congress and president in preparing for COVID. Then he blamed President Trump for the number of deaths due to COVID. He said nothing about blue cities and states putting all the elderly in nursing homes. Romney also claimed there were no guidelines, which is inaccurate.

Romney marching with violent, mostly white, and Marxist Black Lives Matter.

Later in the interview, he got into mail-in voting.


Both Democrats and Republicans have pointed to the many vulnerabilities in a mail-in voting system. For example, in the recent New York primary, tens of thousands of voters were disenfranchised after post office delays. Most countries in the world ban mail-in voting due to vulnerabilities and fraud.

He was asked if he agreed with Trump’s claims that voting by mail increases voter fraud.

“I don’t know of any evidence that voting by mail would increase voter fraud,” despicable Romney responded. “My biggest concern, frankly, with regards to voting fraud has been that there would be some kind of hacking of our voting electronic systems, and that voting machines or tabulating equipment would be hacked.”

Romney added it was “essential” that people who want to vote are able to vote.

“That’s more important than even the outcome of the vote. We have got to preserve the principle of democracy or the trend we’re on is going to continue to get worse,” he said.

“When politicians attack a judicial system, attack a voting system … attack a free press, these things threaten the foundation upon which not only our own democracy rests but democracies around the world rest,” he added.

He ignored Dr. Anthony Fauci’s recent comments that there is no reason people can’t vote in-person safely.

If people can protest and go to restaurants, they can vote in person.

Absentee voting is not the same thing

I have personally worked on absentee voting, which is a totally different thing, and it takes a week to review a mere two-or-three thousand ballots. Checking signatures is a very loosey-goosey process. Republicans and Democrats make the decision about whether signatures match or not and then the undecideds, which is most of them, go to a judge who splits them up arbitrarily. You’re going to do that with millions? You are talking pure chaos. Romney is a complete fool.

Romney is a despicable, very left-wing Republican. He is what is wrong with politics.

Go to about 36:00:

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