Schiff staffer Tom Eager & Impeachment witness Bill Taylor colluded?


Adam Schiff’s staffer Thomas Eager flew to Ukraine on a mission to gain information which may very well have been to dig up impeachment dirt. The trip was paid for by Burisma, Hunter Biden’s recently former company. During the trip, Eager met with a witness in the impeachment inquiry Ambassador Bill Taylor. It was Eager’s first meeting upon arrival.

That’s not suspicious at all. Move on.

Thomas Eager, William Taylor, (l to r)

Besides funding from Burisma, the Atlantic Council is also financed by Google Capital, billionaire activist George Soros’s Open Society Foundations as well as the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc. and the U.S. State Department.

John McCain’s buddy, the man behind the dossier who runs the McCain Institute, David Kramer, also went.


The Atlantic Council (far-left) think tank took a trip to Ukraine in August which included Schiff’s staffer on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Thomas Eager.

During the trip, the staffer’s first meeting was with acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor, now a key witness for Democrats pursuing impeachment. He is the one who wrote a September 9th email expressing concern that the holdup on military funds to Ukraine was a quid pro quo.

The timing of that email is also interesting since it was post-trip.

The Atlantic Council receives funding from and works in conjunction with Burisma.

Taylor is to appear next week to testify before the Democrats’ Soviet-style tribunal which is attempting to impeach the President in secret.

William Taylor himself has evidenced a close relationship with the Burisma-funded Atlantic Council.

Eager is a fellow at the “Atlantic Council” which is owned  (funded) by “Burisma,” and he took a ‘bipartisan’ trip to Ukraine, and while he was on this perfectly “bipartisan” trip he just happened to meet with a key witness in the impeachment inquiry and it was the first thing he did. It was all paid for by Burisma.

The itinerary for the August 24 to August 31 trip shows that the delegation’s first meeting upon arrival in Ukraine was with Taylor.

When Breitbart News first reported on Eager’s visit to Ukraine two weeks ago, Schiff’s office quickly replied to several comment requests, denying any impropriety related to Eager’s association with the Atlantic Council or the trip. Nothing since then.

Adam Schiff’s timeline exposes a possible scam. Actually, it smells!

Eager’s visit to Ukraine sponsored by the Burisma-funded Atlantic Council began 12 days after the so-called “whistleblower” officially filed his August 12 complaint.



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