Scott Jennings Eviscerates Van Jones Over Unelected Oligarchs


Van Jones was on CNN claiming oligarchs and unelected bureaucrats were running the country when Scott Jennings was asked to respond. Jennings eviscerated Van Jones, who just smiled.

“Well,” said Jennings, “if Van is concerned about unelected officials running the government, I would invite him to review the last four years of the Biden administration and maybe pick up the Wall Street Journal.

“This week, we’ve apparently had a president that’s so diminished that his staff has been hiding it from the American people and making key decisions on behalf of our government despite never having been elected to anything at all.

“So if you’re concerned about it tonight, maybe take a look over the last four years. Look, I think, ultimately, all is well. That Ends Well; the government did not shut down.

“We’re not in any kind of crisis over the holidays here, and when the Republicans get sworn in in January, and Trump comes to the office, and on January the 20th, they’re going to have to come together. as a team and decide are we going to work together or not, that’s ultimately how you get things done in a legislative body. This is where the Democrats had some things right, Jeffries’s had him unified…”


He discussed it in another segment and called its enormity “breathtaking” and “absolute scandal.”

“It is the biggest scandal in America, and the level and volume of people who dedicated themselves to lying to everyone at home about this man’s condition for four straight years up through this summer is breathtaking.

“It’s a scandal of epic proportions,” Jennings said, “and it’s a fair question to ask: who is running the country? Who has been running the country? As I said earlier, if you’re worried about Donald Trump’s advisers having influence for the last four years, apparently this president [was] duly elected, but this president was not capable of fulfilling the duties of the office, and his staff and the White House lied about it and kept it from the American people. It’s an absolute Scandal.”

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