New laws will limit oil drilling near homes and schools. They require more renewable energy. The Great Reset is thriving in California, and it is aimed at the middle class.
A new package of forty climate laws is now added to the already burdensome regulations. They probably won’t do much for the climate. Still, They will affect the standards required for cars to be permitted on Californian roads, how and when homes can be cooled, the source of electricity allowed to be supplied to homes, the manufacturing of everyday appliances and products, etc. Governor Newsom just won’t tell you how. You must pass the bills to find out what’s in them. It’s a one-party burgeoning socialist state, so they were all approved and signed.
The media for page after page on Google search promotes the new laws.
If you live in California, you are not free.
This comes after Newsom enacted regulations to phase out sales of new gas-powered cars by 2035. People don’t seem to care that their standard of living will dissipate. But these people don’t mind violent criminals in their streets, spending money we don’t have, and open borders.
Governor Newsom named a list of the 40 new green bills, which touch on things from the broad scope of the climate to affect everyday matters such as community air quality, electricity supply, vehicle permits, appliances, building, and gas pricing.
Newsom is following The Great Reset mandates.
The new laws, cheered by radical environmental groups, require that 90% of the state’s retail electricity sales come from renewable energy and zero-carbon sources such as solar, wind, hydropower, and nuclear by the end of 2035 from the current level of 59%. This is as the state plans to eventually shut nuclear down in five years because environmental extremists demand it. The other three aren’t ready to handle the new demands.
They also ban new oil and gas drilling within 3,200 feet of schools, homes, apartments, parks, and businesses open to the public. And they set goals for making the state carbon neutral by 2045 at the latest, along with expanding electric vehicles and boosting projects that capture carbon from the industry.
The bills sound like environmental extremism and ESG. Some of the bills, which were all named in the governor’s news release, include:
“The California Climate Crisis Act,” AB 1279, to ensure that statewide greenhouse gas emissions are reduced to at least 40% below the 1990 level by 2030 and net zero as soon as possible, by 2045 at the latest. He has no coherent plan for reinforcing the grid or storing waste. He’s only looking at solar and wind in the end, which government can fully control.
“Clean Transportation Program project funding preferences,” AB 1389, to base funding on their extreme mandates.
Community emissions reduction programs: toxic air contaminants and criteria air pollutants”, AB 1749, “ to ensure all air districts do as the state says, constantly adding restrictions. California’s 35 local Air Districts are responsible for regional air quality planning, monitoring, stationary source, and facility permitting. They give out grants.
“Solid waste,” AB 1857, requires 50% of waste to be diverted from landfills into recycling or reuse.
Many of the laws are aimed at motor vehicles and at least one pushes bicycles.
“Vehicles: bicycle omnibus bill,” AB 1909, pushes bicycles and electric bikes.
“Energy: electric vehicle charging standards” AB 2075, greatly restricts building by putting more regulations and approvals needed to build. It requires charging stations incorporated into new buildings. They must meet new electrification to standards.
“Electricity: electrical transmission facilities,” SB 529, adds regulations to power lines.
“Energy: appliance standards and cost-effective measures,” SB 1063, ensures there are no sales of any appliances from anywhere, any state, online, by mail, anything unless it meets their stringent requirements.
Do you want water? Obey!
“Water rights: appropriation,” SB 1205, demands their extremist water regulations be met if you want to water.
“Zero-emission and near-zero-emission vehicle incentive programs requirements,” SB 1230, put more draconian regulations on vehicles and require plug-in charging.
“Energy: petroleum pricing,” SB 1322, gives gasoline refineries 30 days to meet monthly reporting demands.
“Air pollution: Clean Cars 4 All Program: Sales and Use Tax Law: zero emissions vehicle exemption,” SB 1382, puts more regulations and taxes on motor vehicles with benefits for disadvantaged communities.
“Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program: vehicle registration fees: California tire fee,” AB 2836, raises fees (taxes, fees are taxes) on tires as they worry about nitrogen.
There are forty of those. Newsom claims it will create four million new jobs and save $23 billion over 20 years. He gives no details on that. One thing is certain; he will control everything Californians do and buy. Seventeen other states have to do what this hypocrite does in California. They signed a reciprocal agreement to do so. It circumvents the peoples’ right to vote on each change.
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