The Question Remains About Hackable Voting Machines


Hackable voting machines

Election Systems & Software (ES&S) and Dominion have cornered the market on voting machines. Monopolies are never good. Additionally, there were questions about the hackable voting machines. That question of hackability is still a question never answered. The Center for American Progress said they’re hackable without Internet access.

Despite what you have heard, our elections are hackable. We aren’t saying they were hacked, and we would likely never be able to tell for certain if they were. We can’t afford audits of every machine. Thus, the question remains, should we use these machines?

NBC News worried about hackable voting machines and CCP parts

Before the 2020 election, NBC News explained that ES&S used 14,000 modems to connect the voting machines to the Internet. They were hackable while on the Internet, but we were assured they are only on the Internet for seconds. There are reports that they were left open longer than that.

In 2019, NBC News was concerned that Russia would hack our elections. They discovered that some parts in the machine were made in China. Despite being American-owned, they worried about “the company’s supply chain and the hidden identities of its investors. And the results of its government penetration tests, in which authorized hackers try to break in so vulnerabilities can be identified and fixed, have yet to be revealed.”

The far-left Center for American Progress on hackable machines

A Biden-Obama-Clinton-Soros-tied group demanded robust audits of elections and admitted machines are hackable without Internet access.

The document, at The Center for American Progress, an extremely far left organization, is titled, 9 Solutions to Secure America’s Elections.

At the time, they wanted to claim the Trump election of 2016 was stolen and that Russia interfered.

“Outdated voting machines, lack of verified paper ballots or records, and inadequate cybersecurity measures for voting machines and databases are just a few vulnerabilities that leave U.S. elections open to subversion by hostile entities—foreign and domestic—seeking to undermine the democratic process and even skew election results,” they wrote.

“This issue brief details nine recommendations to address some of the most serious vulnerabilities in America’s election infrastructure:

  1. Require voter-verified paper ballots or records for every vote cast.
  2. Replace old voting machines.
  3. Conduct robust post-election audits to confirm election outcomes.
  4. Update and secure outdated voter registration systems and e-poll books.
  5. Require minimum cybersecurity standards for voter registration systems and other pieces of voting infrastructure.
  6. Perform mandatory pre-election testing on all voting machines, as well as continuous vulnerability analysis.
  7. Expand threat information sharing, including comprehensive threat assessments accompanied by mandatory reporting requirements.
  8. Elevate coordination between states and federal agencies on election security, including real-time notification of security breaches and threats.
  9. Provide federal funding for updating election infrastructure.
This is especially interesting about hackable voting machines:

“Old voting machines are prone to hacking, as many rely on outdated computer operating systems that do not accommodate modern-day cybersecurity protections.46A number of voting machines in use today run on Windows XP, a Microsoft operating system first introduced in 2001 that has not been supported since 2014.47

As described by Wired Magazine’s Brian Barrett, a machine running on Windows XP “is a castle with no moat, portcullis raised, doors flung open, greeting the ravaging hoards with wine spritzers and jam.”48 On June 28, 2017, hackers attending the DEF CON hacking conference in Las Vegas infiltrated and remotely hacked voting machines—some operating on Windows XP—within just 90 minutes.49

Moreover, upkeep for outdated machines is becoming increasingly difficult since many parts are no longer manufactured.50 In order to obtain the parts needed, some election administrators are turning to eBay, which comes with its own security risks.51

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