They’re leaving the ship! Schumer and Gillibrand call for Cuomo to resign


Cuomo roaming the grounds of the governor’s mansion

Without due process, it seems Andrew Cuomo has been abandoned. It is hard to see how he survives this onslaught. The Left wants the far-left Lt.Gov. Kathy Hochul. They want a woman, the first woman NY governor. If she is appointed then she will likely win in 2022 and Democrats don’t have to worry about any opposition.

Trending now on Twitter is “don’t resign.” Some on the Left want him to have due process. That would be the right way to do it, but he advocated for the destruction of the careers of Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh without due process. Perhaps he should get what he advocates.

“Confronting and overcoming the Covid crisis requires sure and steady leadership. We commend the brave actions of the individuals who have come forward with serious allegations of abuse and misconduct,” said the two Democratic senators in a joint statement Friday night. “Due to the multiple, credible sexual harassment and misconduct allegations, it is clear that Governor Cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners and the people of New York. Governor Cuomo should resign.”

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY), along with more than half of the New York congressional delegation, called for his resignation.

“Governor Cuomo is guaranteed due process under law. Although his accusers are credible and the charges against him are serious indeed, the investigations underway by New York State Attorney General Letitia James and the Albany police must be permitted to run their course before we reach a judgment about his liability for any alleged criminal act,” said Nadler. “But there is a difference between formal investigations that may end in criminal charges and a question of confidence in our political leadership. The question before us is squarely a political judgment.”

“Governor Cuomo has lost the confidence of the people of New York. Governor Cuomo must resign,” he added.

Cuomo is alone it seems, but he was adamant that he would not resign.

Cuomo will not resign, he says:

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