This Is How the First Female Prime Minister Worked Out in Sweden


This is how female leadership is going in Sweden. The first female Prime Minister lasted hours and that was probably too long.

Sweden elected its first-ever female Prime Minister on Wednesday morning, but she resigned just seven and a half hours later after her coalition government lost a key budget vote.

Magdalena Andersson, leader of the Social Democrats, was selected in a Riksdag (Parliament) vote as Sweden’s 34th Prime Minister on Wednesday morning, replacing outgoing migrant-crisis era leader of the Social Democrat Stefan Löfven. Hours later, she was gone and the Speaker of Riksdag announced the search for another new Prime Minister would begin after Andersson’s government collapsed before she’d even had a chance to be sworn into the role.

When the Greens saw the right-wing budget they’d have to accept, they pulled out and the government collapsed.

The so-called Centrists didn’t like the budget either. They could vote her back in, but for now, she’s gone.

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