Tom Hanks: “the Least You Can Do” Is Get Vaccinated


Tom Hanks is a good actor, but he’s as mentally incapacitated as the rest of them in Hollywood. He said he doesn’t get why everyone doesn’t get vaccinated for the collective. Hanks believes getting vaccinated is “the least you can do.” If you don’t, “I have no respect for you, man.” Then he compared getting vaccinated to getting a license to drive a car. It’s like following speed signals and not hitting pedestrians to Tom.

We are talking about emergency-use vaccines with adverse effects. It’s not that hard to get it. Someone needs to break the news to him that it doesn’t prevent you from catching the virus, nor does it keep you from getting it. The only thing the authoritarians have left is the vaccine might lessen the severity of the illness, but it might also weaken immune systems.

We need more research, and Hanks needs to stop telling other people what to do.

Hanks wouldn’t trust these parents referenced below with a driver’s license, either. There are many reasons not to vaccinate children, but they would be required to vaccinate if the WEF and G20 have their way. They want travel limited to the vaccinated.

The WEF (World Economic Forum) even called for a global vaccine database. That would be right up Hanks’ alley. We’re starting to resemble Maoist China.

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