Trump Is Right! Watch the Chaos & Riots Over Climate Religion Prices – Live Footage!


Trump was right to reject the impulse to punish Saudi Arabia over the death of the Muslim Brotherhood spy, Jamal Khashoggi, for a lot of reasons. His instincts and his unique commons sense intelligence are correct most of the time. Saudi Arabia is keeping oil prices down. We have a great example of what happens when you don’t consider fuel prices when honoring the god of all climate change.


Paris is descending into chaos and destruction over gas taxes. The taxes are in obeisance to the Goddess Mother Earth.

According to the AP, French police fired tear gas and water cannons to disperse violent demonstrators in Paris on Saturday, as about 5,000 rioters gathered in the capital and beyond and staged road blockades to vent anger against rising fuel taxes in the name of the climate change religion and the elite rulers of France.

The protests have been going on for two weeks as the MSM turned their heads.

Thousands of police were deployed nationwide to contain the eighth day of deadly demonstrations that started as protests against taxes. They morphed into a rebuke of President Emmanuel Macron and the elitism of France’s ruling class.

Two people have been killed since Nov. 17 in protest-related tragedies, the AP reports.

Police faced off with demonstrators who burned plywood, wielded placards reading “Death to Taxes” and upturned a large vehicle.

There were no immediate reports of injuries Saturday, but 18 were detained for various acts including for “throwing projectiles,” Paris police told The Associated Press.


Don’t blame this on Muslims, blame it on the guilty parties honoring the Climate Change religion.

“It’s going to trigger a civil war and me, like most other citizens, we’re all ready,” said Benjamin Vrignaud, a 21-year-old protester from Chartres.


Some claim we have to dig in more for a non-fossil fuel economy to get off dependence on them. That’s the climate change view. The common sense view is to use all forms of energy to get off energy dependence. Use the cleanest energy of all types. We are no longer dependent on Saudi Arabia but the world is. If the EU would buy gas from the U.S. instead of the devils in Russia, they would be too.

Of course, it’s not all that simple but it’s not all that complex either.

The mini-revolt on Long Island New York

From my own personal experience, I can tell you that besides the war in 1776, it can happen here again. Civil War can happen again too. We don’t want these energy taxes. They will destroy our economy over exaggerations and lies.

Wsuperstormtorm Sandy hit Long Island, New York, I had to travel to the local supermarket to post articles. The server was down. As I typed away in the parking lot, a line formed for gas as the tanker rolled in. People had to wait. Within a couple hours, people were trying to cut the line and others were getting out of their cars to fight with them. One started a fistfight, others joined in to curse out the offender. I found it hard to believe but wished I had the video camera with me. Down the road, one of the customers stabbed an attendant at the station when they ran out of gas. The next day, the same thing happened at another station, only the person had a gun and shot into the air. They were all people who couldn’t get to work.

I must add that we are located in a peaceful little hamlet.


The extremists have worried about cooling and warming for decades and they haven’t a clue what to do about it. The geo-engineers are messing with nature as we speak and they don’t know what the repercussions will be.

The idiotic Federal report blaming Cali fires and hurricanes nationwide on climate change has already been debunked — before it was written. The lunacy of the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 10 year plan to go full-bore windmills and solar is insane. If the earth is going to disintegrate in 12 years as she and her nutjobs claim, we won’t be able to do a thing about it.


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