Trump’s Prosecution in Manhattan Tied to Soros


As the Sentinel noted yesterday, President Donald Trump pointed out that District Attorney Alvin Bragg initiated Trump’s potential Manhattan indictment. George Soros indirectly funded Alvin Bragg.

Alvin Bragg won in November 2021 with funding from George Soros. Soros gave $1 million to the Color of Change PAC, which spent it to elect Bragg.

Communist Van Jones founded Color of Change. It is a powerful racial justice [Marxist] funding machine. 


“Jones has founded and led four other not-for-profit organizations engaged in social and environmental justice, including, Rebuild the Dream, that promotes innovative policy solutions for the U.S. economy; the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights that focuses on economic empowerment and skills training in California; Color of Change, that offers training and guidance on issues related to racial equality and fairness on behalf of communities of color; and Green for All, dedicated to jobs training in the green sector with the goal to help lift people out of poverty. Jones is also a senior fellow with the Center for American Progress [SOROS] and focuses on policy matters related to green jobs and how cities are implementing job-creating climate solutions,” reports CNN.

George Soros is funding the elections of Sheriffs, District Attorneys, and Attorney Generals. The horrendous California District Attorney, George Gascon, claims to have pushed George Soros into doing it. Soros has NOT denied it publicly.


The leftists want to take away our right to protest.


Former New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said George Soros “effectively destroyed the criminal justice system in America.”

Bratton slammed the woke new Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg for “handcuffing cops by decriminalizing just about everything in NYC”.  He blames his election on billionaire George Soros.

Bratton said that Soros has “effectively destroyed the criminal justice system in America.” He called Bragg’s woke policies of downgrading burglary, armed robbery, and drug dealing from felonies to just misdemeanors a “recipe for disaster.”

Bratton added that Hungarian-born leftist Soros gave $1 million to Bragg through the Color of Change political action committee.

“If you look at every city in America that has violent crime increases and disorder increases…what is the one common denominator?” Bratton said.

“District attorneys, almost all of whom are funded phenomenally by George Soros.”

“Soros and his people have people have figured out how to basically gerrymander the system,” Bratton claimed, saying he has “effectively destroyed the criminal justice system in America.”

Soros is old, but he has a son as bad or worse than he is. He also established perpetually-funded Foundations.

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