TX congresswoman insults all legal immigrants, promotes open borders


Insulting all the legal immigrants who came in through Ellis Island, a Texas congresswoman expressed her glee about El Paso allegedly becoming the “new Ellis Island.” My husband’s family came through Ellis Island and all of the immigrants were LEGAL immigrants. If you merely had head lice, you were not released.

What is really going on at the border is Democrats are welcoming God-knows-who from God-knows-where, counting on them becoming Democrat voters for life. They are redefining illegal immigration as legal immigration. They are manipulating Americans, as usual.

Foreigners will decide our future if this doesn’t stop. Maybe it’s too late already. Right here, they are turning Texas blue.

They don’t care one bit about the safety of Americans, our borders, our Constitution, not anything that this country was founded on.

Now you know what Kamala Harris’s visit to the border is about. It’s an ad for illegal immigration and open borders. There is no doubt our borders are open and this is what Democrats want.

The root causes of foreigners coming illegally to our nation is the Biden policies. There is nothing humane about selling out our country to foreigners — whoever they are, good, bad, farmers, killers, terrorists.


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