UK Stats Regulator: Vax Data Doesn’t Show Vaccine Effectiveness


UK Statistics Regulator Admits that the Claims Made About

COVID “Vaccine” Effectiveness are Unfounded

Report here from Prof Norman Fenton, appearing on NTD News

Screenshot of Norman Fenton

According to the UK statistics regulator, Dr. Norman Fenton, the ONS data [Office of National Statistics UK] is so riddled with flaws, bias, and confounded factors that it cannot be used to substantiate claims the vaccine is safe and effective. In fact, it might prove otherwise. Nonetheless, that is how it has been used.


As the UK regulator says in the clip below, you can’t use this data to say the vaccine is safe and effective. The media and officials are misusing these statistics.

According to Prof. Fenton, the studies undercount the unvaxxed population and overcount unvaxxed due to misclassification, to name two of the problems. It’s not ONS’s fault, but rather, the fault of the data they received. Read more here.

Recent data shows no evidence the vaccine was effective. The BBC misused this data in a vaccine documentary.

Instead, the ONS data suggest all-cause mortality was higher in vaccinated young people.

