Ukrainian President Zelensky Indirectly Slams Biden!


Yesterday, we reported about the bizarre and dangerous conversation Joe Biden is said to have had with President Zelensky of Ukraine. He told him — allegedly — that an invasion was “imminent,” Kyiv was about to be “sacked,” and he should “prepare for impact.” Zelensky had to tell him to calm down and remind him there were hopeful talks underway in Paris. [Three videos below]

A CNN reporter, Natasha Bertrand, who was privy to the conversation, published the details and took it down hours later. The White House denied it happened that way but has yet to release the transcript. Bertrand has since released a cleansed version of the call without explanation that we know of, at least.

If all of this is true, Biden is stupidly escalating the situation and backing Russia up against a wall.

Now, today, Zelensky indirectly slammed Biden for the call. He said it is important for Biden to hear the details from him, not others. Zelensky said he knows the details best as President. However, his office is denying the call.

We must have the transcript. No more games. Let’s not forget that Democrats tried to impeach Trump over a harmless phone call. This call, if true as Bertrand originally stated, is not harmless and it shows the potential madness now possessing Joe Biden and his addled brain.


It’s the Ukrainian people who will be slaughtered and for the US to be this involved in such a deleterious way is wrong. The USA needs to shut up.


Watching the same idiots who destroyed Afghanistan and left Americans behind discuss a possible war with Russia is alarming.

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